What do not you see in the summer in the kitchen gardens:zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and aubergines, even peanuts were gradually grown. And recently "bananas" appeared on many cottages and kitchen gardens. This name has a tomato variety "red banana". This sort, although it appeared only a few years ago, is gaining popularity. But is he as good as he is told about?

Tomatoes "banana red"
This sort of tomato appeared relatively recently inRussia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. "Banana red" is a specially developed tomato cultivar intended for cultivation in the central part of Russia, as well as in Moldova and Ukraine. It grows quite rapidly and fructifies well both in greenhouses and on open ground. He also has varieties of "brothers": "pink banana" and "orange banana." All of them are not whimsical in terms of care and anyone, even a beginner, gardener without special efforts will be able to grow on his garden delicious, liquid tomatoes "red banana".

Features of this variety of tomatoes
"Red Banana" is an early-ripening variety that givesfruits already after 85-100 (90-95) days after seed emergence, depending on environmental conditions. The bushes of this plant are stunted, but under certain conditions can reach about 1.2 m in length and weight up to 3 kg (together with fruits). On average, eight to twelve tomatoes can be tied up on one brush of this plant.
The variety "red banana" due to its geneticfeatures quite unpretentious. It is resistant to extreme heat, temporary lack of watering and calmly tolerates a decrease in temperature. Also the advantage of this variety is the immunity to many diseases of tomatoes, in particular to late blight.

Conditions for growing a "red banana"
Grow both in the greenhouse and in the open groundcan be a sort of "banana red" (tomato). Reviews of people who tried to grow these tomatoes, indicate that plants grow better and bear fruit, planted on 3-4 pieces per square meter. The most optimal option is to form a bush from one or two stems, tie them up as they grow and need. Although on the open ground bushes rarely grow above half a meter, so in this situation, the need to tie them disappears by itself.
To water this variety of tomatoes is necessary, likeordinary, as necessary. It is important to ensure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves. Also, do not forget to fertilize the plant. Ideally, three times: shortly before picking the seedlings, before flowering and directly during the formation of the fruit.
Appearance of "red banana" fruit
Each tomato (photo,in the article), the "banana red" variety has a uniformly bright scarlet color. It has an oval shape slightly resembling a plum. As a rule, the weight of one tomato is from 50 to 100 grams. The tomatoes of this variety are ideal for trade, as they are stored for a long time, do not deteriorate, perfectly transport the goods, while preserving their appearance and not cracking. Thanks to the cylindrical shape and small size, they are perfect for pickling whole fruits, since they are perfectly placed even in half-liter cans.
On the packaging of the seeds of the "red banana", asrule, it is indicated that the size of the fruit will be about ten to twelve centimeters. However, in practice it was proved that the tomato (the photo below shows the longest specimens) has a value of 5-8 cm. So on a banana in shape these tomatoes are not very similar, rather, to plums. However, considering the reviews of foreign fellow farmers who grow this variety in a warmer climate, you can see that the fruits they obtained are longer and actually remotely resemble bananas.

Reviews about the merits of the variety
For several years of staying on the seed market, tomato"Red banana" (described above) has already managed to gather about themselves both positive and negative reviews gardeners. First of all, they note that absolutely all the seeds of this variety are growing. In addition, when transplanting into the open ground, seedlings of the "red banana" are practically not sick and do not particularly need tie or pasynkovanii because of the short stature of the variety. However, although it is stated that the bush can reach up to 1.2 m, in reality its height is no more than 0.5-0.7 m.
Another pleasant advantage"Banana red" (tomato), reviews of most vegetable farmers call the simultaneous flowering of the entire bush, which is also very plentiful. Later, almost all the flowers turn into beautiful tomatoes. According to reviews, with each bush "red banana" really collect from thirty to forty tomatoes about the same size, as in the store.

"Banana red" (tomato): reviews about the shortcomings
Despite the mass of laudatory reviews, truck farmersalready compiled and a list of the main shortcomings that the tomatoes of this variety possess. If the "red banana" fits perfectly for salting and pickling, then this kind of tomatoes has not proved to be very good for eating raw for food or for salads. As the hostess notes, the taste of the "red banana" is inexpressive and dry, more precisely, it is fresh. For lovers of salads with juicy, fresh tomatoes, this variety clearly does not fit. There is no sweetness or juicy pulp in it. Tomato juice from these tomatoes, too, is not very tasty, if you do not add seasonings.
So, we have considered what featureshas a variety of "banana red" (tomato). We also found out about it. It can be concluded that it is definitely worth growing. However, for food, it is not as good as traditional varieties of tomatoes. But for the preparation of tasty and beautiful pickles, it is just perfect.