/ / Kitchen Design 8.8 square. m their own hands, photo

Kitchen design 8.8 sq. M. m with their own hands, photo

What are the most comfortable kitchen?The owners of a small room are sure that only spacious and large. However, it is precisely small kitchens that can become faceless and beautiful. But provided that they are tastefully decorated. Consider how to plan a kitchen design of 8.8 square meters. m

kitchen design 8 8 square meters

Narrow room layout

Many owners face the kitchen,resembling a pencil case. At first glance it seems difficult to arrange such a room. However, the kitchen design is 8.8 square meters. m may look cozy and harmonious, if you listen to the advice of designers:

  1. In such a room is best to have wall cabinets and a work surface along a long wall. This will perfectly save space. In addition, access to any jobs will be provided.
  2. The dining table is best placed on the opposite side of the tabletop. It should be narrow and long. Near perfectly fit a small sofa.
  3. The classic version implies the followingfurniture arrangement. The kitchen is located near the front door. It is followed by a plate. Next is the refrigerator. On the contrary, near the window, set the dining table and a corner sofa.
  4. Be sure to ensure that the width of the free space in the middle of the kitchen is not less than 1.2 m. Otherwise, the passage will be tight.

kitchen 8 square meters design photo

Initially, familiarize yourself with how the experts of such premises, as the kitchen of 8 square meters. m, design. Photo allows you to consider good options.

Corner layout

Shows a fairly original kitchen design of 8 square meters. m photo. Corner layout is more suitable for rooms of square shape or rectangular. This design is very popular.

In order to properly equip the space, you should use some recommendations:

  1. Countertops are placed on both sides of the walls, forming an angle. This allows you to change the work area in any way.
  2. The stove is recommended to be placed near the corner of the kitchen, immediately behind the worktop.
  3. On the same side mount sink.
  4. On the other part there is a preparation area - a working area.
  5. Dining table settles arbitrarily. Its width depends entirely on the remaining space.
  6. Hinged lockers are placed above the furniture set.

kitchen design 8 square meters corner photos

It allows you to understand how interesting such a kitchen design is of 8 square meters. m, photo. Corner layout provides excellent savings in free space.

U-shaped kitchen

Shows another beautiful kitchen design 8 square meters. m photo. Rectangular layout or U-shaped - a great solution for the room, which does not differ in a narrow shape.

This design suggests:

  1. Kitchen furniture is located in the corners of the kitchen. The working area is mounted in the middle of the headset.
  2. Wall cabinets are located on 3 sides. This allows the most convenient to embed kitchen appliances.
  3. In the center of the room provide space for a dining table and chairs.
  4. The distance between the headset and the dining area must be at least 1 meter. You can achieve this size by reducing the table top or dining table.

Kitchen zoning

It is very important that visually look cozy and comfortable kitchen of 8 square meters. The design (photo shows one of the solutions) wins significantly if zoning of the room is envisaged.

corner kitchen design 8 sq m

Three areas are recommended for the kitchen:

  • for the preparation of products;
  • washing zone;
  • part of the room intended for cooking.

To correctly distinguish between the room, you can use the following tips:

  1. A certain area is laid out tiles, for example near the sink. The eating area is equipped with laminate or wood flooring.
  2. Perfectly distinguishes between sections of the ceiling, made in several levels or painted in different colors.
  3. A certain task will cope well with such a task.arrangement of furniture, lighting. For example, in the working area can provide additional lights. Wall sconces, different in height and brightness, perfectly complement the dining area.

Thus, to plan a kitchen design of 8.8 square meters. m is easy if you connect the fantasy and consider a variety of options.

Visual increase in space

There are several ways to expand the design of a small kitchen (8 sq. M):

  1. Make redevelopment.
  2. Correctly arrange the design, which will visually increase the area.
  3. Revise the functionality of the space.

small kitchen design 8 square meters

Initially, think about how your kitchen is used.In most cases, it acts as a warehouse. Here is stored conservation, which can successfully be moved to the pantry, old utensils, unnecessary attributes. Eliminating all the "stuff", you get a pretty good free site.

To visually enlarge the kitchen, you must use the design techniques:

  1. The decoration of the room in bright colors always makes the room much more spacious.
  2. "Expands" the space of the glass table, mirror surfaces.
  3. Not suitable for the kitchen a lot of drawings, patterns. This is very tiring eyes.
  4. Furniture set can be selected in various shades. However, it should not seem cumbersome.
  5. To save a certain space will allow folding table.
  6. To increase the height of the room, it is necessary to choose warm colors for the walls. The ceiling should be white.

A few recommendations

Since the kitchen is not very spacious, you need to consider a few points:

  1. When choosing a style, give preference to thosewhich do not require for their implementation a decent area and the presence of a large number of decorative accessories. For such a kitchen is suitable simple and concise design. The kitchen equipped in the style of hi-tech, loft, modern, minimalism looks harmonious enough.
  2. Smooth, straight surfaces and shapes not only allow you to fully equip the room, but are also fairly easy to maintain.
  3. Excellent lighting will be spotlights on a stretch ceiling. This allows you to visually expand the space and emphasize the modern situation.
  4. The design of corner kitchens of 8 sq. M.m or U-shaped? You can competently use the window sill. Such an element will become a full-fledged work area. The tabletop looks like an original, which smoothly moves from the headset to the windowsill. Some experts recommend that this area take under the dining table.

kitchen design 8 square meters photo rectangular

Curtain selection

This is another point on which it is necessarystay. Properly selected curtains can perfectly emphasize the design of the kitchen of 8.8 square meters. m. It is important that they blend harmoniously into the interior and are quite practical. In addition, we should not forget about fire safety. Choose curtains from natural material that is easily washable, and also allows light and air to pass through.

The most ideal options for a small kitchen are:

  • roll curtains;
  • jalousie;
  • Austrian curtains.

Before starting to repair the kitchen,Be sure to plan the design of the desired interior. Provide all the details and details. Without such training it is very difficult to get a design that would suit you completely.