/ / Insulation "Khitrok": technical characteristics and properties

Heater heater: technical characteristics and properties

Insulation "Khitrok" ismodern insulation material, made on the basis of basalt. It conforms to European quality standards. It is made in the Smolensk region, in the production process uses new technology. This heat-insulating cotton wool is universal, it attracts consumers with low cost and stable quality.

Basic properties

tricky insulation

The aforementioned basalt insulationoffered for sale in a whole line of materials. They belong to the economy class insulation. The manufacturer makes wool and position it as a budget version of the material. Among the distinctive features should be highlighted:

  • fire safety;
  • lack of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • long service life.

Insulant "Khitrok" due to its incombustibilityit is used even for thermal insulation of wooden houses and flammable buildings. Vata is harmless during installation and during operation. You can use it without loss of quality characteristics for 50 years or more.

Products are aimed at the mass consumer.However, the most common found in the CIS countries. Cotton wool is resistant to deformations, which is true not only during transportation, but also installation. This quality was achieved thanks to the robust packaging and the special structure of the material. If you make a comparison, this product is the most budget and high-quality among domestic and foreign analogues. This allows you to save heating costs in winter and cooling, as well as air conditioning - in summer.

Negative features

insulation trick

Insulation "Khitrok" has its drawbacks,Among them, it is particularly necessary to highlight the need for replacement in local areas. In addition, this material can be used in low-rise buildings, and in large buildings, the use of cotton wool is impractical due to limited use.

Technical characteristics of the material "Quick Block"

insulation dodger reviews

The above insulation is suitable for pitchedroofing The material is laid as a middle layer in three-layer walls, when well masonry is used during construction. The insulator proved to be excellent at thermal insulation of frame partitions and walls, as well as during the installation of the siding.

This insulation "Khitrok" has a density of 50 kg / m3. Сжимаемость составляет 18 % или меньше.The thermal conductivity is 0.037 W / m * K, which is true at a temperature of 25 ° C. After sorption moistening, compressibility can reach 22%. By weight, the insulation absorbs moisture in a volume of 15%. Moisture insulation can be 1% or less. It may contain organic matter in the amount of 3%.

Technical characteristics of heat insulation "Khitrok vent"

Insulation Hell Light

This insulation "Khitrok" is intended for the insulation of ventilated facades and is perfect for work that uses siding. Density is much higher and is 90 kg / m3. Water absorption is equivalent to 5% by weight.Thermal conductivity is 0.038 W / m * K. The organic content is 4.5% by weight. Humidity does not exceed 1%. When compressing, the tensile strength can be 0.003 MPa, this is true when the impact is perpendicular to the facial surfaces.

Technical characteristics of the material "Quick Sandwich"

basalt insulation sly

The above insulation "Hitrok", reviews aboutwhich should help you make the right choice, is used as a heat-insulating layer in three-layer wall panels that have metal cladding. The density remains the same as that of the material “Hex vent”.

Thermal conductivity is 0.037 W / m * K.Organic content can reach 4.5%. Compressibility is equivalent to 2%. Humidity - no more than 1%. Water absorption by volume can reach 1.5%. With a 10 percent strain, the compressive strength is 0.02 MPa or more.

Reviews of the Khitrok product line

There are four in the market today.types of thermal insulation "Khitrok". Insulation "Khitrok Light", according to consumers, is great not only for pitched roofs, but also for attics. If you need to create a thermal insulation flooring system, this material will be an excellent solution. Its laying is carried out on the carrier lags. Cotton wool is used for sound insulation of partitions, as well as balconies.

Basalt insulation "Hitrok" in the series "Block"suitable for pitched roofs and the formation of light, as well as the middle insulation layer. Buyers especially emphasize that they use "Smart" also in cases when fire safety requirements are imposed on the object. The thickness of the insulating layer for the central region should be 200 mm.

If before you there is a need to warmframe walls, it is the best fit material with high vapor permeability. The formed layer should pass water vapors, with which “Hitrok” perfectly copes. The ideal options for this are “Light” and “Block”.

Reviews on the field of use

Consumers, from their words, quite oftenmake partitions of drywall. However, such structures are not in all cases supplemented with a sound insulating layer. According to experts, this is a mistake. In this case, the best variants of “Hit Light” or “Hit Block”. These materials possess not only heat, but also sound-proof characteristics.

Consumers, as practice shows, forventilated facades quite often use the described insulation. Home masters emphasize that "Smart Vent" is not only great for these purposes, but also inexpensive. On the outer wall of the building material is fixed with dowels. Ceramic granite plates with aluminum panels are installed on top of the insulation, then siding is finished. These manipulations, according to consumers, allow us to achieve good quality insulation.


In order to make the house warmer,Specialists and private developers have recently been using the technology of a three-layer wall, which is formed according to the method of well laying. It is perfect for low-rise buildings, where you can not do without high-quality insulation. In the role of it can be described in the article "Tricky", which can be installed independently, without attracting specialists.