/ / Circuit Breakers. Save on them is useless

Automatic switches. Save on them is useless

Such a device is simply extremely necessary in any electrical panel, next to the meter. Even the simple abb ds201 can save not only life, but also property. So what are these diffu-automata needed for, whose function is only to turn off the current.

Difaquoat or RCD. Similarity and difference

Those who are not connected with electricity, do not see much difference. Their destinations are very similar. But meanwhile one must understand such a thing.

In the RCD there is a special transformer and when there is a current leakage, the electromagnetic field of the coil is broken, the rod presses the lever and cuts off the current.

But the differential automaton has moreample opportunities. It will also protect the network if there is a leak, but having a built-in circuit breaker inside protects the network against short circuits and overloads. Combining the two functions makes it more cost-effective. Long-term voltage surges over 365 V are no longer frightening, the machine will instantly work.

A few characteristics

Circuit-breaker built-inDifferential, works together with the differential protection module. This they provide power to the electronic amplifier, which has a sensor. The differential transformer, in the event of a leak or overload detection, sends a signal to the amplifier, which turns on the coil of the discharge electromagnet.

Inside the machine there are constantly createdmagnetic fluxes. If they are broken, when, for example, suddenly the body touches a live wire, a flow break occurs and the electromagnet shifts the latch of the switch mechanism.

Advantages of the circuit breaker consistin that he very quickly works. The slightest overload or short-circuiting results in immediate shutdown. In this case, the machine itself can operate at a temperature of -25 to +50 degrees. It is impossible not to say about the high degree of reliability and long service life.

Installation of circuit breakers

When experienced experts advise to buy and put several automatic switches at once, then this should be heeded.

This will help in the future not only to prevent an accident, but also protect electrical appliances from sudden voltage surges or short circuits.

Even in an ordinary apartment instead of one RCD it is better to put several circuit breakers. Especially if the wiring was installed long ago and, moreover, aluminum.

New devices, which now appeared in eachhouse, are not designed for such wiring. They are more powerful than those that were made 20-30 years ago. Therefore, the probability of closure is high. But that is not all. One burned-out appliance can break all the others.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to change all the oldwiring, but also to try for security alarm, washing machine, computer, kitchen units, lighting in the rooms to make self-contained piping and to connect each wire to the circuit breaker.

This will not only secure the apartment, but it will also help to easily find the cause of the problems and eliminate them. In this case, you do not need to turn off the rest of the light and appliances.