Modern building materials marketit is presented by heaters of the most different types and brands. One of the most popular varieties are basalt slabs and mats. Many manufacturers produce such products - both foreign and our domestic. A very good reputation is, for example, basalt insulation "Rokvul", produced by a group of companies with the same name.
Rockwool - 80 years on the market
Первый завод по производству строительных materials "Rockwool" first released its products back in 1937. By the end of the 50s, the company had already owned six plants located in different European countries. Today it is a large group of companies that owns 27 factories around the world. Their specialization is the production of materials intended for insulation, sound insulation and fire protection of structural elements of residential and industrial buildings. The company's headquarters is located in the city of Hedehusen in Denmark.

Insulation "Rokvul": technical characteristics. Density
The value of this parameter in most casesaffects the degree of thermal conductivity of wool. That is, the denser the material, the worse it retains heat. However, the peculiarities of the technological process for the manufacture of Rokvul insulation are such that this rule practically does not apply to it. So, for example, materials with a density of 35 and 200 kg / m3 according to the degree of thermal conductivity they differ only by 0.002 W / m.
Insulation "Rokvul": technical characteristics. Degree of thermal conductivity, vapor permeability and moisture absorption

The quality and effectiveness of protecting the building from propertiesmaterial depend directly. The degree of thermal conductivity of the Roquvul brand insulators can vary within (0.036– 0.038 W / m K). This means that a five centimeter layer of material will retain heat as well as 96 cm of brickwork. In the summer, the house, the enclosing structures of which are lined with this insulator, will be cool, and in the winter - warm.
Another important for this kind of buildingmaterials indicator is the degree of vapor permeability. So called the ability of plates and mats to pass through its thickness of air saturated with water vapor. At Rokvul heaters, this indicator can reach more than 0.25 mg / (m * h * Pa). If we take into account the fact that the hydrophobicity of this material is very high (and, consequently, it absorbs moisture poorly), the structures protected by it do not dampen or rot. The coefficient of water absorption of the most popular modification "Light Butts Scandic" is not more than 330. As you can see, the Rockwool insulation can actually be a good choice. Technical characteristics of moisture can be used even in fairly damp rooms.

Unfortunately, techniques that allow you to accuratelydetermine the durability of insulation, in our country there. However, Rokvul developed its own technologies for determining the quality of produced materials and their durability. In addition, observations of the behavior of heaters are conducted by its experts for many years, starting with the release of the first lots from the assembly line. All this makes it possible to draw conclusions about the fact that a Rokvul heater, subject to the rules of its installation and operation, can last more than 50 years.
Sound insulation properties
Heater "Rokvul" specificationswhich were discussed above, can be used, including as a sound insulator. It is worth buying material with a high density (at least 45 kg / m3).The company produces and plates, designed specifically for this purpose - Rockwool Acoustic Butts. The manufacturer recommends that they be installed in a frame on vibrating pads or in “floating” floors. In the latter case, you can also use the modification Rockwool Flor Butts. Its advantage is that the tie can be put directly on it.

Environmental Safety
Everyone knows that in the production of mineralWat used compounds containing phenol-formaldehyde resins. Therefore, when insulating residential buildings it is recommended to use only high-quality materials of this type. The latter can be safely attributed, and insulation "Rokvul." In its production, new generation resins are used to bind basalt fibers. The content of the binder, in which they are included, in the slabs and mats does not exceed 3.3%. The resin is in a solid state and, therefore, does not pose any danger to the environment and human health.
All Rokvul products have Expertconclusions about compliance with health standards. In addition, all cotton wool of this brand is certified EcoMaterial Green. This suggests that this product can be used in absolutely any premises, including health and children.

Popular cotton wool types and sizes
Insulation "Rokvul", the technical characteristics of which allow to judge it, as one of the best to date, is available in:
- MatahThis soft wool, supplied in rolls, is usually used to insulate structures that do not experience external loads. Where it is possible to apply this particular insulation "Rokvul"? Specifications for roofing or insulating walls can be considered just perfect.
- The plates. This kind of insulation can be both hard and soft or semi-soft. In the first case, it is usually used for insulation of floors and floors.
- Cylinders. This type of material is used for insulation of communications pipes.
As for insulator sizes, they canbe very different. The modification of Light Butts Scandic is 1200 * 600 cm plates with a thickness of 5 cm or 800 * 600 with a thickness of 5 and 10 cm. Since the step between the racks of the house frame or the rafters of the roofs is usually 60 cm, it is very convenient to use. Insulation "Rokvul Scandic", the technical characteristics of which allow it to be used on objects of various purposes, including the construction of private houses, is currently the most popular type of this brand.

Modification "Light Butts" same size1000 * 600. The thickness of the material can vary from 5 to 20 cm. Semi-rigid Rockwool Flexi-Batts plates have a length of 560-1020 cm, a width of 900-1000 cm and a thickness of 5-20 cm. There are other varieties of this material (Rollbatts-Dk, Venti- Batts-Dk, etc.) Such insulation "Rokvul", technical characteristics (dimensions and density) may have different.
Heat insulators for very hot surfaces
Rokvul has a line of materialsintended, including for warming fireplaces, chimneys and stoves. This, for example, Rockwool "Tech Butts", Rockwool Wired Mat or Rockwool "Fire Butts." These materials can be used to isolate structures whose surfaces are heated to a temperature not exceeding 750 degrees.
Reviews of the material "Rockwool"
So we’ve found out in general termswhat is the Rokvul insulation (technical characteristics). Feedback on this material from consumers is mostly positive. Internet users on forums highlight its qualities such as ease of installation and excellent heat retaining properties. It is advised to use this insulation to insulate the walls of not only residential buildings, but also baths, terraces, etc. When installing, Rokvul does not crumble, does not fall apart and does not fly throughout the house.
Some owners of country houses withworking with this material, however, sometimes itchy hands and body. But this is, in principle, a general lack of all mineral watts. The manufacturer Rokvul advises to work with their plates only in gloves and in tight enough closed clothes. Some consumers do not like cellophane packaging of this material. During long-term storage of plates in the garage or hozblok, or during transport, it sometimes breaks.
How to choose the right thickness
Heater "Rokvul" specificationswhich allow to use it to isolate any buildings, should be selected taking into account some important points. The most significant parameter, in addition to density and rigidity, is the thickness of the material. It should be chosen, guided by the norms of SNiP 23-20-2003. The calculation is made according to special tables taking into account the climatic conditions and the degree of thermal conductivity of the material. Usually for insulation of a residential building, it is enough to install two layers of Rokvul 5 cm or one 10 cm layer. The official website of the company also has a special calculator that can be used for accurate calculations.

Rules for the installation of insulation "Rokvul"
Mounted materials of this brand are exactly the same asmineral wool of any other manufacturer. That is, when inserting slabs between frame posts or rafters, you should try not to crush them. Otherwise, they will lose some of their thermal insulation properties. When installing from inside or outside, it is not necessary to lay the wall structure under the slabs with any vapor or waterproofing material. Above the insulation they are installed necessarily. When installing from the inside - vapor barrier, from the outside - waterproofing. There must be a ventilation gap between these layers and the finish. If the plates stand between the posts tightly enough, they do not need to be fastened even if two layers are used.