/ / Manual call point IPR 513-10

Manual fire detector IPR 513-10

Fire safety is not lost and, probably, notwill soon lose its relevance. Despite the constant updating of the list of building materials, the improvement of their characteristics (including flammability, as well as the toxicity of products formed during combustion), a significant part of them is combustible. In addition - it is unlikely that a person is ready to completely abandon the everyday life of natural organic materials, such as wood, paper, all kinds of natural fabrics, etc. And even on the contrary: the tendency of the last decades is a massive rejection of synthetics in favor of everything "real".

To know is to survive

ipr 513 10

In any instructions and recommendations onsecurity, in the internal guidance documents of the fire department, you can read that saving people is a priority task, both for rescue services and for the administration of the facility. As practice shows, most of the tragic results of fires in buildings with massive people stay are due to untimely carried out evacuation measures.

Rescuing people from the roofs of buildings with the help ofhelicopters, from windows of buildings with the help of high-altitude ladders - special cases. Such activities require time for preparation, attraction of special equipment, the delivery of which is also not instantaneous.

The most effective way of saving is stillis a timely evacuation. The account in the literal sense of the word can go on for a second. And then the correct operation of the warning system plays the most important role.

Ways of warning about a fire

Одним из требований пожарной безопасности в Soviet time was the presence in the settlements of any device to alert residents. In the villages near the house the elders hung a piece of rail on a chain and, in case of an alarm, pounded it with a piece of iron. Today there are much more opportunities to alert people about a fire. Typically, this is a combination of the following ways:

  • The sound signal (sometimes combined with light effects) so that it can be heard in all rooms of the building.
  • Send a voice message using the speakerphone.
  • Turn on the illumination of exit direction signs, as well as illumination of the evacuation routes themselves.
  • Opening of doors, locks and hatches of emergency exits, carried out remotely.

Manual fire detectors (in fact this is the "alarming" fire button) are the very first link (along with automatic) in the alarm signal. Automation is not always ahead of a person.

Technical characteristics of model 513-10

detector ipr 513 10

  • protection from accidental activation of the system (protective transparent screen, in the design of which the possibility of sealing is provided);
  • to include IPR 513-10 is possible only with an effort of more than 15 N (about one and a half kg), after the included "alarm" removes the finger from the button, the contact is saved;
  • operating voltage 9 ... 30 V;
  • current consumed in the "sleep" mode, 0.05 mA;
  • the inclusion of the push-button of the IPR 513-10 provides a resistance of 0.5 kΩ;
  • III class of protection against dangerous factors of electric current;
  • to connect the device to the system uses a two-wire (alarm loop);
  • To visually identify a particular detector from which a signal is being sent, a red light is provided, which lights up in the "Fire" mode;
  • The IPR 513-10 has an impact-protected housing.

How it connects

The detector IPR 513-10 is fixed to the wall with the help oftwo threaded fasteners. A dowel, a nail, an anchor - will do anything. The marking for fastening is extremely simple - the holes are located on one horizontal line at a distance of 55 mm from each other.

The height of mounting the device above the floor, recommended by the manufacturer, is about one and a half meters.

ypr 513 10 connection diagram

Before installation on the wall, the front part is removed -at the top are two locks (lock), pressing on which, it can be easily dismantled. After that, the base is attached to pre-prepared holes, and the alarm loop (AL) is connected to the terminals.

The last strokes are snapping in place of the top cover, and sealing the protective screen (the sealing is usually done after checking the operability of the system).

How exactly is connected to the circuit of the IPR 513-10?The connection scheme depends on the device with which the detector is to operate. The fact is that the current in the "Fire" mode, passing through the manual detector, should not exceed 20 mA. To such systems as PPK-2, "Nota", "Ray", "Rainbow" and some other (voltage in the loop 9 ... 30V, the resistance of the detector when it is operated does not exceed 1000 Ohm). The IPR 513-10 is connected directly.

ypr 513 10 connection diagram

Operation of the device with other systems requires connection via shunts (compensating resistors).