/ / What and how to clean suede shoes at home: a review of ways, features and reviews

What and how to clean suede shoes at home: a review of methods, features and reviews

Suede accessories and shoes are quite popular.This circumstance is due to the softness of the material and its exquisite appearance. Suede can be painted in almost any color, therefore, along with the skin, it is a good material for sewing boots, shoes and handbags to them. Shoes are very comfortable, soft and very elastic. But it has its drawbacks. Unfortunately, this material is quickly spoiled. Therefore, having products in the wardrobe from it, it is useful to know how to clean suede shoes at home. That favorite boots always remained attractive, it is necessary to properly operate, store and clean them from contamination. Our article will tell you how to put it into practice.

How and what to clean suede

Enemy suede

Before considering ways to cleansuede shoes, you need to know the main pollutants of such material. The most common and common is street dirt. But it's easier to get rid of it. There are quite complex spots, the removal of which will require certain efforts and special means:

  1. A fat stain. The shoes can get oil. It happens that the suede segment shines with frequent friction. In this case, all the attractiveness of the material is lost.
  2. Traces of colorants, red wine or juice. They will require immediate action, otherwise the stain will be difficult to remove later.
  3. Water drops. If you get in suede shoes under the rain, then drops can leave unpleasant stains on shoes.
  4. Salt and mixtures, which are sprinkled in the winter pavement. They penetrate into the suede and leave unattractive marks on it. Especially the light shoes are affected.

Home cleaning products

How to clean suede shoes at home, is interested in many neat housewives. To significantly simplify the process, the arsenal must have the following:

  1. Special means for cleaning suede.They are available in the form of foams, sprays and liquids. Producers try to diversify the range, so the choice is great. Each formulation may have a different composition and scope of application. Before use, it is recommended to test the product on an inconspicuous area.
  2. Vinegar. Useful for removing small grease spots and rain drops.
  3. Salt. Well proven in the removal of large oily contaminants.
  4. Ammonia. Literally dissolves street dirt and stains from liquids.
  5. Half of matchboxes with sulfur. Are like to clean the brown suede.
  6. Purified gasoline. It is able to remove the stubborn stains. However, it has a rather sharp smell, it can leave iridescent stains with improper application.

After a walk in wet and slushy weather, very muchthe actual question is how to clean suede shoes at home. To do this, you need a hard brush, one side rough, the other rubber.

The brush can have a natural or syntheticstubble. To intensively remove stains, manufacturers add thin metal wires to the accessory. If you did not find a double-sided brush, then the rubber side can be replaced by a large and thick eraser.

Brush for suede shoes

Proper care

It is important to know how to properly clean suedeshoes at home. Dry shoes are intensively brushed. If the shoes get wet, it must be dried, stuffed with dry newspapers. You can use special ultraviolet devices. If you dry the suede shoes near the radiators, it loses its properties, warps and becomes unattractive. Depending on the contamination and specificity of the stains, they choose their own method of cleaning.

Spots from salt

In winter, the sidewalk often sprinklessalt mixtures. From them, the appearance of shoes deteriorates and unattractive divorces remain. Particularly affected are dark boots and boots. To bring the shoes in a proper way, you can use proven methods.

Soap solution

Water and soap should be prepared solution.It is necessary to take a small white slab, without reagents. With the help of a cotton swab, the resulting liquid is treated with shiny places. After that, the shoes are dried and combed with a stiff brush.

Do not use detergent. Its use spoils the quality characteristics of suede, making it rough. The material loses color, deforms, becomes rough.

Soapy solution for suede cleaning

Vinegar comes to the rescue

If the salt does not cope with the problem, thenuse a solution of 9% vinegar. To remove salt stains from shoes, moisten the brush in this substance and wipe the problem areas. Next, the boots are wiped with a soft cloth and dried naturally. Let's remind, heating devices are completely forbidden in case of suede.

In the case of saline stains that can not be cleaned, you can use the paint for suede products.

Mud is not a problem

Nobody is immune from trivial pollutionshoes. Sometimes the weather is very capricious. Even if it was dry in the morning, then by the evening it can rain. In this case, it is useful to learn several ways how quickly to clean the suede shoes at home. After all to run every time in a dry-cleaner after banal pollution is too inconvenient.

How to clean suede shoes at home

Water and soap

It will take a glass of soapy water and a teaspoonfulammonia. Soap must be taken without any coloring agents. Pollution is removed with a brush dipped in the prepared solution. After that, the boots are dried. You can use the electric dryer.

The above ingredients will help in case there are shiny spots. For this, a set of measures should be carried out:

  1. A cotton disc, soaked in ammonia, is wiped with greasy spots.
  2. In a wide bowl, water is boiled and suede products are held over steam for a couple of minutes.
  3. Next, shoes are rubbed with a rubber brush or a wide eraser.

After a similar procedure, the suede becomes the same.

Greasy stains

Review of ways to clean suede shoeswill be incomplete if you do not consider the removal of oily contaminants. From such spots it is very difficult to get rid of, but gasoline and some other substances that it is desirable to have at home will come to the rescue.

Gasoline and talcum powder

If oil stains are found on shoes, then theirIt is necessary to rub slightly with a brush moistened in refined gasoline. Next, you need to sprinkle talc all over. The two components react and gradually absorb the oil. The composition is left on the shoes for 2-3 hours. After that, the talc is removed with a stiff brush.

You need to be careful.If you use gasoline in large quantities, then the product will remain hard to remove iridescent stains. In the fuel solution, you should moisten the cotton swab and then only act on the spot area.


Как почистить замшевую обувь в домашних условиях, if at hand there is no suitable means? This is suitable for normal ammonia alcohol. It will perfectly cope with the hardened places and will refresh the look of the shoes. It is necessary to prepare a solution from a glass of milk, a teaspoon of ammonia and a pinch of soda.

The solution wets a cotton swab and wipes the problem areas. The method will not only remove street dirt, but will restore the elasticity of the material, give shoes a fresh look.

Cleaning of light shoes

Light suede is rather capricious.To make products from it for a long time remained in its original form, it is necessary to look after it regularly. To clean light suede shoes at home, you need to use the following methods:

  1. Small spots are removed with hydrogen peroxide or with ammonia. However, such funds should not be used more than once in two weeks.
  2. Salt with white suede is peeled off with a stiff brush, and then rubbed with a rubber eraser. If the stain proved resistant, then you can wipe the contamination with vinegar.
  3. To clean suede white shoes at homeconditions, you need milk, soda and ammonia. To do this, take a glass of milk, a teaspoon of baking soda and a couple of drops of ammonia. The resulting solution wipes all spots with a cotton swab.

After such procedures, even shoes made from white suede will remain fresh and attractive for a long time.

Salt against fatty spots on suede

Means for the care of suede

Becoming the owner of a stylish and soft pair, is worthlearn how to clean suede shoes. The methods are divided into folk and industrial. The store offers a variety of options for grooming these shoes. In the arsenal it is always necessary to have the following:

  1. Impregnation for suede.The most famous brands are Salamander, Niki Line Anti Rain, Ecco. Means well protect suede shoes, extend its life. Impregnations do not interfere with natural air exchange and help the shoe to dry faster.
  2. Water repellent sprays.This is a real find for slushy and rainy days. The product forms a thin film on the shoes, not allowing moisture to linger on the material. At the same time, air freely penetrates inside, circulation is not disturbed.
  3. Paint-reducer.The tool is capable of successfully masking small scrapes, scratches and stains that can not be removed. The paint also protects against dirt and prevents excessive accumulation of moisture, allowing the shoes to return a noble and rich color.
  4. Stretcher.It is useful if initially the footwear sits on the foot is uncomfortable, and there is no possibility to change it or change it. Suede shoes are not recommended to take a larger size, because it has properties to stretch. Therefore, stretchers will help to feel comfort at the very beginning of using shoes. In addition to stretching, the product softens the suede well.

All listed drugs are desirable.purchase simultaneously with the purchase of suede shoes. Then shoes, boots or shoes will remain as new for a long time, the service life will increase significantly.

Blotches on suede shoes

Storage Rules

We examined how and what to clean the suede.Suede shoes after the end of one season of use must be properly prepared for the next. It is cleaned, dried, treated with a special impregnation and packed in dry boxes.

That the boots and boots are not damp and notwere subjected to excessive deformation, a crumpled newspaper was put in each pair. In the box should be put special bags, preventing the formation of excessive moisture. They can be found in packages with new shoes.

Storage of suede shoes


If you wear suede shoes for a long time and do not expose themregular cleaning, then none of the above methods will save it. Many people care about how to clean suede shoes qualitatively. In this case the decisive role is played by the prescription of pollution, and not only by the means used. Shoes should be put in order after each walk. Special care is given to shoes after a rainy day or walking on a snow-covered pavement sprinkled with salt mixture.

Do not forget to refresh shoes with specialdeodorants. Suede perfectly lets in air. Legs in such shoes do not sweat. However, preventive measures should not be ignored. But on the preparation chosen for this purpose there should be a note that the product is suitable for suede.