/ / Parting farewell to kindergarten graduates from an educator, manager, parents

Parting instructions to graduates of the kindergarten from an educator, manager, parents

What words to say goodbye to preschool children, seeing offthem to school? What would they like to say goodbye? Remember funny or good? Verses, song or prose to express feelings? Everyone must decide for himself. Most importantly, the words of farewell to the graduates of kindergarten go from the heart. Where to start, how to finish, what to push off from in preparing a solemn farewell speech? If these questions are before you, then this article is designed to help. It contains poems and prose, exemplary words and speeches, as well as advice to all who congratulate preschool children on graduation from kindergarten.

The release of the children of the kindergarten, they really need to congratulate!

The end of the kindergarten is touching anda solemn date in the lives of children and parents. From very tiny babies, preschool children have grown to first-graders. During this time, they learned a lot, read, thought, painted, played, sang, sculpted and pasted. The teachers have become close friends to the children and, saying goodbye to the children, they will solemnly say farewell to the graduates of the kindergarten. Future first graders will hear good words from parents, garden workers and, of course, from the manager on this day.

farewell to graduates of kindergarten

Teachers give the word to go to school

Teachers were with the children every day,who know about kids sometimes more than their parents. They are witnesses of successes and failures, ups and downs, assistants and older comrades. Their kids are respected and loved. Together with them, the children have gone a long and interesting way, so at the farewell celebration, the kindergarten graduates from the tutor traditionally sound. We can recall interesting moments, statements of children, their discoveries and successes, and wish them successful studies and new good friends in poetic or free form.

farewell to graduates of the kindergarten from the teacher

Poetic speech teacher

Pimp my dear!

Oh, how great you have become!

You go to the first class,

And I remember you crumbs.

How did you come to the group timidly

He did not sleep, but this one did not eat,

Almost everyone asked for pens,

And now ... how have you changed!

How many books have we read?

You probably do not remember yourself!

And according to fairy tales, we understood life

Where good and evil are distinguished.

Blots with a brush put clear

But they learned to draw perfectly

And the work of all admired

We also placed them in contests!

With math, we fought long

But you all learned to count!

We took knowledge for a walk,

Cones, Christmas trees, steps counted.

And how you loved the music!

They clapped loudly, marching.

And now in the music room

You sang and danced!

With physical education make friends easy

If you can run and jump,

Jumping with a rope

And, of course, play ball.

We have become a sports group,

And more than once others won!

Every day started with charging,

So that health was in order!

My dear guys!

Were you preschoolers before

But go to the first class,

I'm sorry to let you go!

You try to learn in school,

And I will be proud of you

Kindergarten do not forget

Report your successes!

All that we have learned, keep

Firmly value your friendship,

Be patient, attentive,

Good luck, friends, goodbye!

verses of farewell to graduates of kindergarten

Need a hint, so be it so that the words do not forget!

Parting instructions to graduates of kindergarten fromtutor can be heard in prose. Then the tutor selects words that, in his opinion, reach the heart of the children. In any case, the greeting must be prepared in advance and preferably placed on a beautiful card. Even if you plan to speak by heart, at such an exciting moment, words can simply fly out of your head, and, having lost the reference point, it will be difficult to continue the speech. A small, beautifully designed “crib” in the hands in this case will be able to help you out great.

The administration of the garden for kids try to be happy

Первым человеком, встречающим в саду малышей и их parents, is the head of the kindergarten. It is from the meeting with her that the life of the child begins in the preschool institution: he will accept the documents, distribute them in groups, organize meals, cleaning, repairs and other things. Solving hundreds of important issues every day, this person creates all the conditions for a child to comfortably stay during the preschool childhood period within the walls of the preschool institution. Parents and children must invite the leader to the farewell party, thank for the difficult and hard work, and in response, the kindergarten graduates of the kindergarten traditionally give a message. And it’s very good to pick not pompous and official words, but those that will come from the heart.

As it has traditionally been, and pedagogicalthe team annually prepares part-time graduates of the kindergarten. In prose or in verse, it will be pronounced, it does not matter. Most importantly, children will hear the words of love and wishes for further success. Departing from the walls of the preschool institution, they will carry with them the warmth and care that surrounded them.

farewell to graduates of the kindergarten from the head

Congratulations from the relatives of the most (pronounced fathers and mothers)

Leaving kindergarten, children say goodbye to hiscollective. The only ones who always stay close are moms and dads. It is with their help that future schoolchildren will begin to storm the heights of knowledge, begin to do their homework and receive first grades, so it will be logical to hear a note from parents at the festive event.

Dear our children!

You go to the first class,

And on such a day, of course,

We are very happy for you!

We used to be very afraid

Even in the garden you lead.

Suddenly there will be a daughter cry?

Will suddenly my son be sad?

But then we realized:

It's comfortable for guys here

We laugh laugh tell

That child be glad here.

You go to school

We worry. Oh oh!

Caregiver and nanny

You can not take with you?

Suddenly the teacher will be strict?

Will a child not understand something?

And in the dining room will cook

Compote, but he does not drink it?

But those torments are in vain,

Children go to first grade,

Get let there knowledge

And healthy grow.

You guys try

To behave,

So that not only dad with mom,

And do not let down your garden.

Our children grow up,

In this, in general, the whole point.

Tutors - thanks,

Well and children - good luck!

farewell to kindergarten graduates from their parents

Here's a delight for the ears - the wishes of the kids

Next, we give small poems - farewell to the graduates of kindergarten, which can be heard from the mouths of kids or older children.

The day today is not easy -

Joyful, cheerful.

You have a graduation today,

You go to school.

We stay for you

To play toys,

We'll roll the truck,

Puppet lay in pillows.

You in portfolios to collect

Pens, and notebooks,

And a textbook to read,

And in his bookmarks,

And for breakfast, take with you

Dough patty.

Really for a toy

There is no place?

This is “a” and this is “b”

I don’t know further

But growing up a bit,

I will read everything to you.

You learn to read,

Just do not be lazy!

To distinguish between letters

Make friends with them.

I once became a cow

Feet and horns take

It turned out three at first,

And then he decided that five.

To solve the problem

Look carefully

Remember you that a cow

There are four legs, not three.

In general, do not miss school

Visit our kindergarten!

words of farewell to graduates of kindergarten

How to prepare a farewell speech?

Start wishes better with some treatment,attracting the attention of children. Often the speakers exclaim how the children grew up and how beautiful they are today. You can express surprise: “Are these the very children who cried and called Mom a few years ago?”

Each group has its own characteristicstraditions, their successes. This "zest" and need to remember on such a day. For example, if children were distinguished by their artistry, then remind them of their best performances or performances, some kind of event or reward. If the group is sports, then it is worth mentioning the best athletes and recalling the victories in competitions and tournaments. One can speak about children with creative abilities as future soloists of a big stage and great artists. The mention of specific cases and the merits of the group will liven up the kindergarten graduates, make it targeted, prepared for specific children, and not just faceless, taken from the Internet.

Следующим пунктом речи должны стать пожелания.Traditionally, graduation from the garden focuses children on schooling, so there are calls to study well, be diligent, attentive, polite, find new friends and not forget old ones, remember everything that the kindergarten taught.

Parting instructions to graduates of the kindergarten usually ends with the words: “Have a good trip!”, “At a good hour!”, “Congratulations!”

farewell to graduates of the kindergarten in prose


We looked at the exciting moments associated withPreparing for the solemn moment of the end of the preschool institution, they told how to make a note to the graduates of the kindergarten, gave examples of congratulations and wishes. We hope our article will help you to carry out future first-graders to school adequately.