Since the 1950s, faceted glass has become one ofthe main "folk" symbols of the Soviet Union, and after its collapse - the subject of endless nostalgia. Not lost, however, its practical application: as an indispensable companion of small and large feasts and as a measured capacity, which is always at hand. Faceted glasses are versatile products. With a thick train of legends following them. Let's try to figure out what in the history of granchak is truth, and what is beautiful, but a fairy tale.

Samples of glassware of the 17th century, including faceted glasses, are now stored in the Hermitage. And this is not a legend.

Another legend - the first day of manufacturea glass with edges, from which all Soviet cut glass is derived: September 11, 1943. At that time, the famous factory in Gus-Khrustalny, where it allegedly happened, was busy producing only military medical products: thermometers, flasks, flasks, etc.

Classic faceted glass has 110 mm inheight, diameter of its bottom - 65 mm, on the "throat" - 75 mm. The number of faces is 16 (a 20-sided glass cost 14 kopecks). Volume - 200 cu. cm. If you pour it over the bezel, 200 ml are dispensed, if it is 250 ml to the brim. But the milk in it includes 204 ml, sour cream - 210 ml. Sugar in a faceted glass, if to the brim, weighs 200 grams. It can also hold 9 egg whites or 10 yolks. Finally, a "glass of seeds" without packaging weighs 90 grams. And if they are cleaned - 58.
In the 80s disaster struck:a real epidemic of granchak explosions swept across the country. The resonance was not weak: there were articles in the press, the plot in the satirical film magazine "Wick". Finally, the party, sensing an ideological sabotage (the whole country saw!), Instructed the competent authorities to sort things out. Soon they reported: it was all the fault — a slight change in the technology that had to be made due to the introduction of imported lines at glass factories. As a result of changes in the structure of glass, faceted glasses acquired the ability to literally crumble from loud noises. By the way, this episode is shown at the very beginning of the famous series "The Brigade".