С проблемой кашля у детей сталкивается almost every parent. But not everyone wants to give their crumbs advertised pills or syrups, many prefer time-tested herbal remedies. These means and include chest collection of cough. The price for it is quite democratic, so that everyone can buy it.
What is a chest collection
The composition of these fitosborov include various herbs.They have mucolytic, expectorant and antiseptic effects. In this case, the herbs in them are in certain proportions, which are recognized by physicians as optimal for the treatment of various types of cough. They are prescribed for flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, tracheitis and other respiratory diseases.
Types of fees
В аптеках сейчас можно найти несколько вариантов combinations of herbs that help fight cough. All of them are manufactured on an industrial scale and are intended for the treatment of various problems. In pharmacies, you can buy one of the four types of nursing collections, they are divided according to the composition of the herbs. Therefore, it is better to entrust the selection of the most suitable combination for you or your child to a therapist or pediatrician.
Nursing chest number 1
В составе первого варианта есть следующие травы:coltsfoot and Althea root. They constitute its main part and occupy about 80% of the total. The remaining 20% is occupied by Oregano grass. As a rule, this chest collection is used to treat problems with the upper respiratory tract. Instructions for use advises to use it with tracheitis and laryngitis. In this case, all its constituent components have an expectorant effect, and the coltsfoot and Althea root - also anti-inflammatory.
But use this chest coughing collection forChildren under 12 years old are not recommended. Also, it is worth refusing to use it for those who already have hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to one of the components.
Nursing chest number 2
If you have developed bronchitis or pneumonia, then a combination of the following herbs will suit you: 30% licorice root, 40% of the leaves of the mother and stepmother, and 30% of the plantain. Chest collection of cough number 2 has just such a composition.
Its effectiveness is due to the fact that licorice has a softening effect. A plantain is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Coltsfoot also contributes to improved expectoration.
But he is appointed only to adults and children who are over 12 years old.
Nursing chest number 3
With bronchitis and pneumonia whensputum should be made more liquid and improve expectoration, the doctor may recommend the use of medicinal plants. Licorice roots, althea, sage leaves, anise seeds and pine buds included in the No. 3 chest collection contribute to the reduction of the inflammatory process. They also facilitate expectoration of accumulated sputum, which makes the cough more productive. And recovery at the same time comes faster.
But it is contraindicated in people who are allergic to the components that make up the collection. Also, it is not recommended to give to children under 12 years old.
Chest collection №4
This chest cough collection for children is quite suitable. But you can start to give it no earlier than three years.
Packing and use
But if you trust only standard cardboardboxes with dried herbs, then you need to know a few nuances of storing the plants they contain. After acquiring a chest collection, it is better to pour it into a glass or ceramic container with a tight-fitting lid. This will help avoid moisture drops and reduce the shelf life of dried herbs.
Cooking method
Before you make an infusion or decoction of anyacquired breast collection, it must be mixed. Regardless of the components that make up these medicinal fito-wares for cough, they are prepared in one way.
Infusion is made from ordinary filter packages. Each of them poured 100 ml of boiling water and kept in it for about 15 minutes. After cooling, the therapeutic fluid can be consumed.
Both decoction and infusion are drunk warm. Before use, they should be shaken. Chest collection is used in a volume of 100 ml several times a day (up to 4) after meals.
Application for children
If a doctor prescribed a chest collection number 4 to yourchild, the necessary dosage is better to check with a specialist. Babies need a lot less decoction. So, if adults and children who are over 12 years old need to drink ½ cup, the dosage for babies aged 6-12 years is up to 2 tbsp. spoons. Of course, it is desirable to focus on the prescribed rules. But if your child is 11 years old already weighs as an adult, the doctor may increase the dose.
3-5 for children from 3 to 5 years oldteaspoons of decoction or infusion of the appropriate combination of herbs. You must also be careful if your child has a dry cough. Chest collection is designed to improve expectoration and liquefaction of sputum. To suppress the cough reflex are completely different drugs.
Features of use
Chest collection for cough for children, as well as foradults, appointed only with a wet cough. The components that make up each combination of herbs effectively dilute sputum. But it is undesirable to exceed the indicated dosages in order to make the application more effective.
Subject to the recommendations of the expertscollection can quickly alleviate the condition of the patient. As evidenced by the reviews, each of them is also transferred quite well. However, in individual cases it is possible intolerance of some of the components. Because of this, people may have allergic reactions. In this case, it is desirable to completely abandon the use of these medicinal infusions or decoctions.
But the chest collection number 4 of cough is considered the mostsafe. It consists of a lot of components, but at the same time each of them can be children older than three years old and expectant mothers. Although drinking it unnecessarily or just for preventive purposes is not worth it. You should also avoid self-medication.
There is a misconception that applymedicinal herbs can be without the appointment of doctors. At the same time, people are ready to drink various infusions and decoctions in unlimited quantities instead of regular teas. But this approach is fraught with the development of various side effects, including allergies, precisely because of an overdose.