Noticing one day that their baby has bruises undereyes, parents are not beginning to worry, trying to understand the reasons for their appearance. But it is not always the presence of a hematoma indicates a disease, more often it is a little stress or normal fatigue.
Physiological blue
Вряд ли есть люди, которые не знают о том, что under the eyes is very thin skin. All vessels passing in this area shine through, and it seems that bruises under the eyes of the child have appeared. The reasons for what is happening in this case will be useless to search. If you observe blue in a newborn, then this is most likely its particularity. Such a phenomenon can be caused by both a genetic predisposition and overwork, a violation of the regime of activity and rest, or even unhealthy diet.

If heredity is to blame, thenyou just have to come to terms with this feature of the crumbs. And in all other cases he needs help. If your child is already a schoolboy, attends not only classes, but also various clubs, and spends all his free time in front of the TV or computer, then you should not be surprised that there were bruises under the eyes of a child. The reasons for this lie in fatigue. It is easy to correct the situation: make sure that the child spends enough time in the fresh air, eats properly and fully and sleeps at least 9 hours a day.
Body signals
But do not think that there is no reason to worry,if you notice bruises under the eyes of a child. The reasons may lie not only in overwork. If your child has an established mode, he spends enough time on the street, does not sit for hours in front of the computer or TV screen, then it is worth going to the pediatrician.

In addition, bruises are a sign of helminthicinvasions. As a result of the vital activity of these parasites in the body, intoxication occurs, microorganisms interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins and various nutrients from products. The main symptom of the disease is the blue of the tender skin, which is located under the eyes. Do not be surprised even if there were bruises under the eyes of infants. Kids can also become infected with ascariasis or enterobiasis. Also, blueness under the eyes can indicate chronic tonsillitis, allergies, dental disease or vascular dystonia.
Opinion of famous doctors
Pediatrician Komarovsky, to whose opinion nowmany mothers listen, says that it is worth paying attention to this symptom at least in order to examine the child. So, bruises under the eyes of Komarovsky do not consider it a problem. But at the same time, he says that this is a reason to go to the doctor, do a urine, feces and blood test, undergo a kidney ultrasound and discuss all the results with his pediatrician.