/ Compression stockings (2 compression class): reviews. How to choose stockings compression?

Compression stockings (2 compression class): reviews. How to choose stockings compression?

In modern life, almost every woman,yes, and many men face foot diseases. How to help yourself? This question can be answered not only by the doctor, but also by you. The way out is compression stockings, the testimonials of which testify to their high effectiveness as a preventive as well as a curative and rehabilitation remedy for the treatment of lower limb diseases and in the postoperative period.

Compression stockings 2 compression class

From the history

Manufacture of medical compression stockingsbegan in 1929, with the release of medical compression jersey in eastern Thuringia. In the 20-ies of the last century it was the only place where jersey was made with compression properties.
Now products from this miraculousmaterial are sold everywhere. Compression products are not a panacea, but they help people with health problems, live more comfortably, move freely, reduce pain, recover from surgery and just keep their health and beauty.
Today, manufacturers produce in variouscolor scale and different quality stockings compression. How to choose them? After all, there are even patterns, and if desired, you can buy very elegant, beautiful stockings. But is it only beauty to consider when choosing? It is advisable that the doctor-phlebologist explained to you how to pick up compression stockings.

Classification of compression stockings

Compression stockings, whose classes are denoted by0 - 1 (0 - mild and 1 st compression), suitable for the prevention of lower limb diseases. Class 0 is recommended in the absence of varicose veins, but with complaints of heaviness in the legs. Class 1 is when there are stars and grids on the legs. These stockings should have good elasticity, hygroscopicity, excellent air flow and do not irritate the skin.

stockings compression how to choose

Compression stockings (2 compression class)are intended to alleviate the suffering of sick people who have problems with leg health and to which the phlebologist recommended wearing such stockings. As a rule, these are people who spend a lot of time on their feet, walk a lot, work mostly in a sitting position. These stockings are also called anti-varicose. They are in great demand among people suffering from such diseases as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, in patients who have undergone surgery, have complaints about edema, cramps, spasms in the legs, and others.

Compression stockings of 3 compression class(pressure no more than 45 mm Hg) should be used only as prescribed by the doctor. The specialist of the medical institution should explain how to pick up compression stockings and how to properly wear and wear them. Such stockings prescribe to patients with varicose disease in the stage of complication, with valve aplasia, exacerbation of postthrombotic disease, etc.

compression stockings after surgery

Compression stockings: how to choose?

For the correct choice of such products, you needremove individual measurements: the circumference of the thigh (5 cm below the gluteal cavity), the circumference of the calf, the ankle circumference, the length of the foot, the height from the floor to the level of the previously measured circumference of the thigh. In order not to be disappointed in buying when wearing compression stockings, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of knitwear, compliance with standards, the availability of trim rubber, latex, on how suitable for you this color. Important and the manufacturer, because the fake may not justify the hopes, and is unlikely to have a full therapeutic effect.

Compression stockings (2 compression class)

compression stockings price

Compression pressure of such stockings is 23 - 32 mmgt; st, not more than 33 mm. gt; Art. The compression effect is distributed strictly definitely: in the ankle, in its narrowest part - 100%; in the calf region - 70%; in the region of the hip - 40%.

Compression stockings (2 compression class)are considered a complete medical product. Due to the compression of the superficial veins of the legs, the blood is discharged into the deep veins. This contributes to an adequate outflow of venous blood and reduces venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. Also, thanks to compression, lymph drainage improves, and this significantly reduces swelling, improves trophism of skin and soft tissues. Depending on the pathological changes in the venous system of the patient, the doctor recommends a compression class of the stocking. Leading specialists in phlebology sometimes prescribe the wearing of compression knitwear as a necessary tool for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins.

As a result of pregnancy and childbirth, as well asgenetic predisposition women suffer from varicose veins more often than men, 3-4 times. The first signs of this disease appear in almost half of pregnant women. It is during the fetal growth that the growing uterus compresses the veins of the pelvis, respectively, the pressure in the veins of the lower limbs increases. A huge load of veins is experienced with a sharp increase in intrauterine pressure and as a result greatly expand. As a result, there are stagnant phenomena in the vessels, dysfunction of the valves and painful condition of the affected legs. Therefore, doctors usually recommend that all pregnant women wear stockings from compression jersey.

It is advisable to wear compression stockings afteroperation. They support the muscles weakened in the postoperative period from stretching, promote their recovery, restore the elasticity of the skin, promote the normalization of blood circulation.

how to choose compression stockings

How to wear

Wearing stockings is necessary throughout the day.It's hard to put medical stockings on wet feet. It is also not easy to wear them after applying the cream. So, before they are dressed, the legs should be clean and absolutely dry.

To wear such a product in the morning, it is necessarypre-prepare the legs. They are raised and kept for some time in such a state for the outflow of blood. Before dressing a stocking to protect them from damage, it is necessary to remove jewelry from their hands, it is desirable to wear rubber medical gloves. When putting on, you should dial a stocking in your hand, put it on your foot, gently and slowly pull on your leg, gently pulling out of your hand.
In order for these stockings to hold well on the body, they are equipped with wide silicone inserts, which are next to the elastic bands.

Both modeling and therapeutic compressionstockings are in steady demand. Stockings of good quality are hard to find on sale. Legs are the subject of an attractive woman, so each of them is trying to find a such products to look elegant and sexy. At age 50, many women start to gain weight, and therefore increases the load on the legs that often leads them to wear the hosiery products.

Compression stockings classes

How to care for stockings

Stockings are taken off at bedtime, washed daily(at least once every two days). Therefore, you should definitely have two pairs of stockings, preferably of different colors (under the color of the dress or skirt). Wash them by hand, with ordinary soap or powder for delicate products. Press and the more twist they can not. When washing in the machine, otherwise it does not work out, you have to choose a delicate washing mode at the minimum temperature and without pressing. After washing, it is necessary to put the product on rag or towel and leave for 15-20 minutes to remove excess moisture, then dried in the usual way away from objects that radiate heat.

Compression stockings can not be dried in dryers forlinen and under the influence of high temperatures: they will become unsuitable for wearing. If the stockings are worn daily with proper care for them, they will serve you one, a maximum of two months. In the future, still have to buy new ones.

compression stockings reviews

Compression stockings: reviews

At present there are a number ofspecialized manufacturers of compression knitwear and, in particular, compression stockings. Before buying such products, it is advisable to inquire about the company's opinions on the Internet. As a rule, products that are produced by firms that have favorable reviews justify themselves in the process of wearing them.

Another option is not to get into a mess when buyingcompression stockings - strictly adhere to the recommendations of a phlebologist. According to his professional experience, he can advise expertly on what products are more suitable for you and where it is better to buy.

Compression stockings: price

Quality imported compression stockingsusually have a high price. Stockings of domestic production can be found cheaper, but they do not always come close to import, especially with a long sock. They will have to be changed much more often than quality products. Therefore do not skimp on such things, on the quality of which your health depends.

Contraindications to the use of compression stockings

If skin infections or skin lesions of the legs (burns, rash, ulcers or cuts) begin to wear compression stockings (2 compression class) without the doctor's recommendation can not.

If your limbs are too large, too much swelling, the doctor may recommend that you use elastic bandages for a while before using compression stockings.

You wear during the day experiencingdiscomfort, burning and tingling in the limbs, or noticed that the color of the legs changed? This means that you should consult a doctor. Probably, you wear the wrong stockings. How to choose them correctly, ask your doctor. He will solve your problem.

So, we have examined from different sides the question ofWhat is compression stockings. The price and feedback on these products are directly dependent on each other, and also to some extent determined by how they are classified and applied.