/ / Bad baby eats - is there any cause for concern?

Poor baby eats - is there any reason for concern?

The long months of waiting for the baby have passed, and now youyou can take him in your arms, hug and kiss. Young parents are waiting for a lot of problems associated with the growth and development of the child. Often, moms and dads panic because their children are not active enough or too excited; that the baby is sleeping for a long time or cannot fall asleep; and eating a bad baby eats - it generally becomes the main problem.

Before studying encyclopedias and run onDoctors, young mothers should realize that the needs of food for each newborn are individual. Many factors can influence his appetite. This is the activity of the baby. His physical development, temperament and even the season, the high temperature of the air in the room - all this can easily affect the fact that the baby eats badly.

If the child refuses from mother's breast, thenIt is worth looking for the reason in the mother's diet. The taste of breast milk is influenced by everything that a woman eats, and the child feels very subtly any change in the taste of milk. Mom should avoid spicy foods with spicy seasonings, garlic. Children really do not like the smell of cigarettes, and the taste of breast milk from them becomes unpleasant and bitter.

If the baby does not eat well, the mother ischeck the condition of their nipples. If they are flat and retracted, then it is extremely difficult for a baby to eat normally, and he may even give up his chest altogether. In this situation, you need to apply the technique of stretching the nipples, often put the baby to the chest. Perhaps the reason for the flat shape of the nipples and their density lies in the fact that the mother has a lot of milk. Before you feed the baby, you need to strain your chest so that it becomes soft. Try to avoid cracking nipples - this makes feeding very difficult. Lubricate them with a special cream that does not dry the wounds (so they will heal faster).

In general, we all know that breast milk isthe guarantor of good health and proper development of the child. Try to keep breastfeeding longer. If a baby does not eat well, try to apply it to the breast more often. Eliminate from your diet all that may adversely affect the taste of milk. Sweet too should not eat much. Try to walk in the fresh air lasts longer - they contribute to a good sleep and good appetite.

Do not panic, simply because the childeats badly What to do - you can decide by checking the conformity of the mass of his body age. Poor appetite can be considered a problem only when there is a shortage of body weight. One way or another, a pediatrician will tell you the norm at one or another age, because doctors very often face mothers' complaints about poor appetite and the small weight of their child.

However, during medical examination most oftenit turns out that fear is in vain. Pediatricians take into account the concept of harmonious development of the child. In other words, the weight must match the height of the baby.

At the same time, if a very small childpoorly eats the mixture or breast milk; parents are advised not to relax. Weak appetite in a newborn can be a symptom of such a dangerous disease as intestinal obstruction. If a baby has become ill at the age of three months, it can be assumed that he has dysbiosis.

As for older children, do not give inharmful opinion that children need to eat as much as possible for proper development. If you force the baby to eat everything that was put on the plate at any cost, this can cause serious problems in the future. For example, a child at the subconscious level may develop an aversion to any food. It may happen that the child will even vomit when trying to eat. The process of digestion can also be disturbed, and this will cause chronic dysbiosis, diarrhea. The opposite potential problem that may arise if you force children to eat through force is obesity.