/ / Chest pain to the left. What is it caused by?

Pain in the thorax left. What is it caused by?

Many diseases are accompanied by variouspain sensations. Sometimes it is difficult to judge by their localization what they are caused by. It is known that pain in the left chest can accompany a variety of diseases.

Very often, it occurs in heart disease.Its peculiarity in this case is that this pain spreads to the scapula or arm. It can be with myocarditis of various etiologies, pericardial inflammation, coronary insufficiency, heart attack, aortic aneurysm. The last two diseases are characterized by very intense pain. When myocarditis is more often dull, pressing pain in the chest. Patients complain of interruptions in the heart, shortness of breath when walking, swelling of the lower extremities.

In diseases of the left lung or pleura,emerging chest pain to the left is different in nature. Usually it is accompanied by temperature and a deteriorated general condition. It occurs gradually, increases with a deep breath. Often accompanied by a cough. Chest pain is usually associated with it or with the act of breathing. It can be sharp, stabbing, sometimes radiates to the hand. This is characteristic of acute pneumonia or pleurisy and often helps in making the correct diagnosis.

Pleurisy can be dry or exudative.Any lung disease can involve the pleura in the painful process. Dry reactive pleurisy is accompanied by a pronounced pain symptom. He can join the inflammation of the left lung or his abscess. Sometimes it is caused by a lung tuberculous process or a tumor. May cause him injury. While there is no effusion fluid in the pleural cavity, the pain is sharp, piercing in nature, aggravated by talking, coughing, breathing. It is usually localized in front of or on the side of the chest and becomes stronger with palpation of the sore spot.

When liquid appears in the pleural cavitythe intensity of the pain symptom decreases. But this increases the general intoxication. On the affected side, the intercostal spaces are smoothed, it is noticeably lagging during breathing. Stopped pain in the left chest can resume after resorption of pleural exudate.

In pulmonary tuberculosis sometimes occursa complication called spontaneous pneumothorax. It lies in the fact that due to the painful process in the lung, the tightness of the pleural cavity is disturbed. Air penetrates it, and this leads to the fact that the lung on this side collapses. With left-sided pneumothorax, chest pain on the left side of a long and sharp nature may suddenly appear. It can increase with physical exertion, talking or breathing, and be so strong that it causes shock. Pneumothorax is accompanied by sudden shortness of breath and blue skin and mucous membranes, dry cough, palpitations, and a severe general condition.

Pain in the left side of the chest causealso neurological diseases. For example, such as osteochondrosis or intercostal neuralgia. These pains are localized along the intercostal nerves. They can be different in intensity and usually prolonged, they can decrease when taking analgesic drugs. Unlike pain symptoms in other diseases, they become stronger if you palpate the place of intercostal root release along the spine.

As you can see, the causes of pain on the left inchest can be a variety of diseases. It is sometimes difficult to even understand them correctly. To establish the correct diagnosis often requires radiological and laboratory tests. Pain is often associated with serious problems in the body. Therefore, when they appear, it is better to consult a doctor. This will help to avoid unnecessary problems with diagnosis and treatment. Good health to you!