/ / What should be the treatment of adenoiditis in a child?

What should be the treatment of adenoiditis in a child?

In the nasopharynx of every person there arespecial pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids), which are directly responsible for the immune protection of the mucous membranes, and also produce lymphocytes. According to experts, about half of preschool children suffer from various kinds of adenoid diseases every year. These include adenoiditis (inflammation) and hypertrophy (a pathological increase in size). However, not many parents know what should be the correct therapy for these ailments. In this article we will describe in more detail what is the treatment of adenoiditis in a child.


  • birth trauma;
    treatment of adenoiditis in a child
  • various kinds of viral infections that the expectant mother had to bear during the period of gestation;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • bad ecology;
  • regular colds.


Before turning to the question of what shouldtreatment of adenoiditis in a child, let's talk about the main signs of this disease. So, first of all, a small patient has a morning cough, inability to breathe normally through the nose, increased fatigue and drowsiness. Moreover, memory and attention are significantly reduced. In some cases, the so-called adenoid type of face appears, when the mouth is constantly open and generally indifferent expression to everything that happens.


purulent adenoiditis in children

Если имеются подозрения на данное заболевание, It is necessary to undergo a detailed examination by specialists. The first step is to consult an otolaryngologist, who, in turn, can assess the condition of the tonsils, nasal passages, oropharynx. This will help determine purulent adenoiditis in children. Often the otolaryngologist prescribes endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx with a special video camera. This method is completely harmless, but, on the other hand, allows for a fairly thorough examination. Only after a full examination can the doctor make a conclusion and, if necessary, recommend a method of how the treatment of adenoiditis in a child should be. Note that in no case should the methods of unconventional therapy be tested on children. They most often are ineffective in these cases.

Adenoiditis in children. Treatment

Komarovsky (a famous pediatrician) allocates toThere are currently two primary methods of dealing with such an unpleasant problem: non-surgical and operational. Let's look at them in more detail below.

Conservative treatment of adenoiditis in a child

adenoiditis in children Komarovsky treatment
This option today belongs to the mostpriority. It implies a medicinal treatment for improving immunity and physical therapy. Homeopathic medicines are often prescribed. An important component in the treatment, according to experts, is the removal of mucous discharge from the nasopharynx itself. The fact is that its presence significantly reduces the effectiveness of drugs.

Surgical treatment of adenoiditis in a child

This method is used in case of failure.conducting conservative therapy, with frequent relapses, when there are complications in the form of sinusitis. As a rule, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. As a result, after a relatively short period of time, the little patient goes home without any complications.