/ / Tips on how to grow a bow on a head in the garden

Tips on how to grow a bow on a head in the garden

Onions, as they used to say in the old days, from seven diseases.Do not forget about it and we. Official medicine prescribes pharmaceutical onion preparations - "Allylchep", "Allylglitser" and others. Widely used onions traditional medicine. It is a vitamin, healing, antibacterial, anti-atherosclerosis agent.

How to grow a bow on a head
Alcohol extracts from bulbs are used forcolitis, intestinal atony. It can increase the secretion and tone in the gastrointestinal tract. In food, onions are used year-round. And he, like a brave soldier, is always ready - from the moment of the germination of the pen to the ripe onions, which are well preserved. Everyone recognizes this vegetable as irreplaceable, but not everyone knows how to grow onions on a head. To do this, it takes a lot of time and effort.

In the first season, seeds are sown.Of these bulbs grow in the diameter of only 1-3 cm. Sevok is kept until the next season, I plant it on the bed in the spring. And only in the autumn, if summer will be favorable, and will bypass onion diseases, collect onion onion - large heads. To obtain black small seeds, formed in the inflorescences on the arrows, each spring is planted onions of the uterus. And so, year after year. But you can grow onions and for one season, and now you will learn how.

How to grow a large onion
Grow a large onion itself

For one summer you can grow a turnip onion from seedsor from seedlings. How to grow a bow on a head? To do this, you need to select the appropriate grade for the region in which you live. Early-ripening varieties - "gold spool", "odnotsovets". Early-ripening variety is "olina". From shoots to leaf lodging - 100 days, yields - up to 5 kg from an area of ​​1 square. m. Early maturing hybrid "golden semen F" with a maturation period of 90-100 days, storage time - six months, from sq.m. - up to 5 kg, resistant to the causative agents of major diseases. Suitable for all regions of Russia. Mid-term hybrid "Mars F1" (a tasty, large onion of red color). The popular harvest variety is "oprito", sowing seeds under the film at the end of April or on seedlings on March 20. Medium-ripening varieties: "Carmen" (scales violet, inside white-violet); "Shetana" (the scaly cover is yellow, inside is white). Surprisingly large onion replicas grow from seeds of Dutch breeding. On 500-800 g grow in a seedling way for a season sweet bulbs of a sort "excibishen". Bow giant "globo" gives bulbs of 1 kg!

How to grow a good harvest of onions
How to grow a good harvest of onions

Let us give the agrotechnology of growing onions from seeds onexample variety "exhibition". How to grow onions on the head of the seedlings in Siberia? From late February to March 10, sow the seeds in a box. Pre-treatment for fungal diseases is carried out: wrap the seeds in a cloth and dip into hot water for 15 minutes (50 degrees Celsius), then cold for 1 minute. It is necessary to soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours. A day later, drain the water and hold the seeds for the same amount in a damp cloth, preventing it from drying out. Prepare the soil for seedlings from the ground from the cucumber patch. Sowing in the grooves with a depth of 1-2 cm after the cm. The distance between the grooves should be 2 cm. Sprinkle the seeds with well-decomposed humus, gently pour, not blasting the soil. Cover with foil and put in a warm place. Somewhere in 7-10 days, shoots will appear. Move the box to the sunny windowsill. The temperature regime in the first week for survival rate: 22 degrees during the day, at night - 15-17.

In the second week for 7 days, reduce the temperature to10 degrees, moving the box to a cool place so that the seedlings do not stretch out. After 2 weeks, feed the infusion of mullein. Watering is moderate, every 3-4 days, preventing the soil from drying out. Transplantation to do in cloudy weather in the evening after the disappearance of the threat of frost. The age of seedlings 55-60 days.

A bed for onion is prepared in the fall.This soil is well-fertilized with humus in a dry, sunny place (after cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes). Water the beds, peg the furrows through 20 cm and 2 cm in depth. Water the seedlings in the box the day before. Carefully removing the plants, pick off the rhizomes, leaving them 2.5 cm. It would be good to dip the bottom in a mash of clay and humus. Shorten and stalks by 1/3. Depth of planting - 1 cm more than in the box.

After disembarkation, carefully pour the bed warmwater Cover with lutrasil for rooting time (about a week). Further care: watering, 2 fertilizing in June, infusion of mullein per season, pest and weed control, loosening between rows, thinning (as needed). Since July, the onions are not watered and not fed. Cleaned when lodging a feather. Stalks do not tear off - onions ripen. Dry through the draft. For storage, select heads with a well-dried neck. You can incise it crosswise for better drying.

Now you know how to grow onions on a head from seedlings in your own garden. The harvest will be excellent, besides the onion is environmentally friendly!