/ / Examples of SWOT analysis of various types

Examples of SWOT analysis of various types

The SWOT analysis has a similaran abbreviation that more accurately reveals its essence. This is a SSRS analysis, which is interpreted as follows: the study of weaknesses (C), strengths (C), the opportunities provided by the environment (B), and probabilistic threats that may also arise from outside with respect to a particular firm (U ).

examples of its analysis

An example of a SWOT analysis of an organization can bebuild, based on three versions of this technique: a simple, consolidated or mixed analytical study (the latter is a combination of the first two methods).

A simple SSAU analysis is based on the fact that forthe company stands out for its strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities for its environment, which are then considered in this context: "How can our positive qualities be applied to the use of available options?", "How the negative sides of the surrounding business environment can impede the realization of our strong positions? "," How can our advantages counteract destructive factors? "and" How threats to the business environment from the outside can adversely affect the position of the company if they affect the identified imye place? ".

Examples of SWOT analysis of such a plan show thatThe study may be ineffective, because only factors that relate to external good or negative moments are correlated. For example, such a position as high qualification of employees may not be considered at all, if for it there are no positive or negative installations from outside.

An analysis of an example of an enterprise

Examples of the SWOT-analysis of the composite plan forthe initial stage allows you to determine the positions that can affect the company's development in the next 1-5 years. These are the same obvious advantages (not what can be done, but what the firm really is), which may include experience and image, company history, managerial and financial opportunities, special technologies, qualifications and special ways of relationships between employees and etc. The vulnerable positions include the same elements as in the strengths, but with an indication of what hinders the development of the company.

Examples of SWOT analysis (summary) usually containindicating the significance of a particular parameter, and weighing each advantage or disadvantage on a scale to determine the probability of an event. In some cases, if information flows allow, own positive and negative positions are compared with information on competing firms.

An example of an organization's analysis

Examples of SWOT analysis using the composite methodologyallow to assess the external threats and opportunities for the company in the same way. This takes into account the probability of occurrence of a phenomenon, a comparison of the company's possibilities for its processing. For example, it is possible to assess how attractive this or that market opportunity is from the point of view of the interests of buyers, organizational capabilities, competitors' activity, market demand and political, economic, social and technological factors.

How to optimally conduct SWOT analysis?An example of an enterprise with a successful structure of similar studies shows that analytical work should be carried out with a certain periodicity for internal and external factors that:

A. They are significant with a low probability (monitored).

B. Are very significant, high probability of occurrence. They need to be used or eliminated (for negative ones).

B. They do not really matter, but the likelihood of occurrence is large (research is under way).

D. Are not significant, the probability is low (ignoring).