For large enterprises with large turnoverthe system of organization of labor of its employees plays a special role. The complexity of this process is due to the scale of the company and the increased requirements for its staff. It is impossible to deny the fact that a competent organization of labor at an enterprise is the key to its successful and stable existence. The modern leader knows that his most important asset is the workers who work for him. The organization of labor at the enterprise includes such concepts as the staffing of employees. Their training and retraining, rationing of the working day, the system of bonuses and fines, the system of payment and calculation of wages, as well as maintaining healthy competition as an incentive for professional growth of employees.
Form a relationship between the authorities andsubordinates, and also to regulate them in the event of controversial situations, internal regulations and standards of conduct in the workplace and the Charter adopted by the enterprise help. Every worker must strictly follow these rules, which will ensure discipline and eliminate some unpleasant working moments. It is very important to optimize the working day as much as possible. When scheduling, you need to take into account the number of people working in shift, the number of shifts, their duration, the state of technology, on which employees will work. At the same time, the organization of labor at the enterprise must take place in such a way as to involve the human resource at full capacity in the work process. In other words, a person should be comfortable in his workplace and nothing should distract him from work, but, on the contrary, stimulate him to more productivity.
In order to increase profitability, it is necessaryconstant stimulation of labor in the enterprise. This can be done with the help of material payments, promotions, public recognition of the achievements of the employee or providing additional social benefits. Along with positive motivators, there are also negative stimulants. These include the system of fines, reverse movement on the career ladder, censure and so on. The choice of the incentive method depends solely on the corporate culture of the organization, the vision of the decision of this problem by its leader based on the study of the views of its employees on this issue.
A very important point is the analysis of paymentlabor in the enterprise, which, as a rule, produces accounting. Wages are calculated based on the qualifications of the employee, his employment at the workplace, processing or deficiencies. It can be counted according to the number of hours worked, be in the form of a stable salary, and also in the form of a small salary and a bonus, depending on the quality and timing of the work performed. In those cases when it comes to large continuous production, it is more convenient to calculate the wages by the hour or in the form of a fixed salary. If the enterprise is small, then piece-rate work can become one of the incentives for employees, which will motivate them to achieve better results. The choice of one form or another depends on a variety of objective and subjective factors that are known only to the leader and his subordinates.
The more detailed the organization of labor will be developedat the enterprise, the easier it will be to exercise control over it. A clear hierarchy and definition of the functions of each participant in the work process will become a guarantee of a well-coordinated and successful work activity. Very important is the consistency in its implementation, accessibility for each employee. The maximum effective use of human resources in the work process at the enterprise will be the key to its success, the main way of its development.