An audit is essentially an independent review.calculations and reporting of the business enterprise in order to check the accounting, as well as the completeness of reflection of all operations performed in the account, accuracy of reflection of figures in financial documents and compliance of accounting documentation with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Comprehensive audit affects all financialperformance of the enterprise and is divided into different stages. Audit of production costs is an integral part of the audit of the activities of the enterprise as a whole. Indeed, in the process of its implementation, weak points of production are identified at certain stages of the production process, and irrational types of expenses are manifested, optimal ways of reducing all types of costs are explored, and any hidden opportunities to increase profits are developed.
Аудит затрат на производство продукции carried out in accordance with the thematic program, including the planning of the audit, the assessment of audit risks in direct proportion to the general state of accounting and internal control in the enterprise.
Cost verification, or otherwise cost auditproduction, first of all begins with the collection of information and study of the production process. This is followed by a continuous, selective or visual inspection of all costs (attributable to cost and not attributable). Simultaneously with these questions, the correctness of accounting in general is investigated.
The main points that are drawn toclose attention when conducting an expert audit of production costs, are used accounting methods, the use of estimated cost estimates for individual orders at various stages of the production process. The most important moments of the audit of production costs include the reasonableness of the distribution of the cost part for the reporting time periods. The assessment of the correctness of the consumption of auxiliary materials (fuel, technical oils, electricity, and others) also plays a large role in the implementation of control. Checking the calculation of depreciation costs for fixed assets, the validity of the inclusion of intangible costs and low-value assets in the cost of goods produced is carefully studied and verified according to the actual submitted primary documents.
Control of the correctness of payrollcore workers and support workers are also included in the audit of production costs. In the process of transporting finished products to warehouses, commercial expenses arise (packaging, advertising of goods, business trips, etc.). All these costs are also carefully checked and verified. After all, indirect production costs also affect the pricing and the selling price of products manufactured by the company.
После проведения проверки обоснованности referring the cost part to the cost and identifying the correctness of cost accounting, the expert (auditor) carefully studies issues related to the taxable base. It also checks the timeliness of the settlement of the enterprise with the budget for all mandatory taxes and payments. Audit of production cost accounting is very valuable for an enterprise, since its results will allow management managers to reduce or eliminate irrational costs, to minimize possible production costs in the future. The entire production process should be carried out taking into account the correct planning of the residual quantity of inventories in the warehouse. To produce output, avoiding downtime of production capacity and, as a result of this, the emergence of unplanned expenses for the payment of forced downtime to the main workers and support staff.