/ / Perfection of the organization of work at the enterprise

Perfection of the organization of work at the enterprise

The organization of work is a specialA system that allows you to achieve certain results when using the labor of the organization's personnel. Material production has three components: objects of labor, tools and labor. To organize the production process, one more main condition is required: a purposeful, organized activity of the person, which triggers the production mechanism. Perfection of the organization of work is one of the main tasks set by the personnel management services.

The following elements of the organizationlabor division: the division of labor activity (the distribution of job responsibilities and the assignment of workers in the workplace), the organization of the workplace in accordance with all the requirements, the cooperation of work (the organization of mutual relations between employees), the selection, training of employees, the development of methods and methods of work, staff development and retraining, ensuring safe working conditions, organization of discipline, planning and recording of work activity, both material stimulation of the liver.

Perfection of the organization of work is based onuse in the laws of physiology, economic laws, psychology, legal laws, sociology. If prior to the introduction of specific methods of organizing the labor process, a scientific analysis has been carried out, it means that it is a scientific organization of labor. The economic task of organization of labor activity is "responsible" for the expediency of using specific equipment, raw materials or materials in the production process. "Psychophysiology" helps create working conditions that are safe for the health of employees and provide them with a high level of efficiency. The social component of the organization of work activity allows to increase the satisfaction of people from the labor process together with the increase of their professional level.

Perfection of the organization of work is notjust a set of measures aimed at improving the forms of work and the use of new methods of production. Perfection of the organization of work is a constant and continuous creative process which is adjusted under constant change of production technology and level of production process.

To improve the organization of workit is necessary to divide labor into separate elements of the process, which have certain functions, the allocation of qualifying groups of workers, the consolidation of private labor processes for individual sectors or groups of people.

Deeper division of labor - anothercomponent of the organization of labor activity, which consists in the specialization of workers, units, and, as a result, the improvement of labor productivity. It is necessary to minimize all operations that slow down the production process. However, you can not cut back on rest and lunch and take into account some of the effects leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of specialization.

Cooperation of labor activity allowscombine several production processes into one. Modern forms of labor organization are based on division and cooperation, because, thanks to them, there is a distribution of personnel to workplaces, interrelated activities of the enterprise's employees are provided, the scope of work and specific functions performed, the interchangeability of employees, reveals the inclination of the employee to the work received, and much more.

One of the main tasks of the management servicestaff - creating favorable conditions for the rational organization of work activity, in which the employees work with pleasure and are interested in the high efficiency of their labor and the entire production process.