At any enterprises, staff can be divided intoworkers, engineers and AUP. Everything is clear with the working staff: it includes locksmiths, welders and other hard workers, such as repairmen. Engineering personnel includes employees who have a university degree. For example, masters of services, engineers, technicians, metrologists, etc. In this article we will talk about the specialists of the AUP unit. Abbreviation means administrative and managerial staff.

AUP carries out management tasks at the enterprise
For enterprise management there isadministrative staff, which oversees the implementation of the functions assigned to the remaining employees, as well as regulates their activities. Let us understand the peculiarities of the concept of AUP. Decryption reduction was given a little higher. Again: we are talking about the administration and managers.
But the question arises about the need for suchstaff in the enterprise. It is clear that the company can not work, having available only working personnel. For example, the task of a locksmith is not to manage a business, but to fulfill its duties, which are set out in the work instruction. To this end, there is an administrative and managerial staff at the enterprises in order to properly organize production and manage enterprise resources entrusted to it by the owner, in order to improve economic and financial indicators.

Management staff structure
The AUP unit, the decoding of which means that we are talking about management personnel, has a fairly simple structure. Such staff often consists of the following positions:
1. The head of the board and his deputies with other assistants.
2. Departments related to the finances of the enterprise - financial, accounting, planning and economic.
3. Heads of other departments.
4. Managerial staff may also include other positions - this is at the discretion of the business owner.
Managers must manage
What should the structural unit doAUP? Decryption speaks for itself: administer and manage. In other words, this staff must manage all ongoing affairs in the enterprise. Such workers are required to organize all vital processes to ensure the uninterrupted production of products or the operation of the enterprise.

In this case, the AUP does not produce anything, in fact,there is no product, does not provide paid services. Thus, every worker who, for example, manufactures any products, must “feed” the AUP. Deciphering the source of the costs of such personnel is in addition to the cost of services or products of overhead costs, which take into account the costs of administrative staff.
What should be the number of AUP in the enterprise?
В качестве оптимального количества management personnel in the structure of the average enterprise is an indicator of about 10-15% of the state. But this is not an axiom, because there are some specifics of certain types of economic activity, where the number of AUP can either exceed this rate or be less.
As it turned out, deciphering the concept of “AUP structural unit” is simple, and the name itself speaks of the functions that should be performed by such personnel.
Such workers are highly valued and havedecent wages. Administrative and managerial personnel is only a part of the entire personnel of an enterprise, while it is he who is called upon to create better working conditions, together with the trade union to set up production processes. In addition, help increase revenue while reducing costs.