For those planning to do business,associated with the sale of clothing, shoes or any other consumer goods (except food, medicine), the need to recruit and train staff. What should be the job description of the sales assistant to help organize the work correctly?
The main principles: consistency and consistency!
Note that the job descriptionA clothing sales assistant and an employee, for example, a grocery store can vary significantly! Therefore, you should not without looking to print out the first information on the web and hand it over to a new employee! Remember this! Although the basis of documents available on the Internet, you can take.

The job description of the sales consultant should include the following items regarding qualifications:
- required level of education;
- Experience or internship.
Also in this document should be madeprovisions on what should be the basis of the seller’s work activity. As a rule, this information is entered in the job descriptions of the sales assistant in the form of such a list of items:
- knowledge of regulations and internal documents of the company regulating the work;
- following the rules of work and rest schedule (time of commencement / completion of work, lunch, smoking, etc.);
- possession of information obtained at trainings, from teaching materials, etc.
- timely acquaintance with orders and orders in force in the company;
- confident knowledge of the principles of ethics of communication with customers and management;
- Understanding of the conditions in which the goods must be stored, and the permissible handling of it;
- knowledge of the provisions set forth in the job description.
Next you need to specify how the seller shouldto be dressed. If you want the employee to be in the sales area exclusively in uniform, indicate this (as well as the responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements). You can write everything in the document: shoes, hair, makeup, manicure. It is clear that a consultant with African braids and Gothic makeup is not particularly appropriate in a perfume store. It is more correct to prescribe and coordinate this initially than to make enemies in the face of employees who have not become permanent!
Mandatory item - responsibilities!
All job descriptions seller-consultant should include information about the direct responsibilities. That is, you must specify the following:

- monitor the state of the showcase and workplace;
- to form orders for the delivery of goods from the warehouse or from suppliers;
- timely report on their work, make suggestions for improving the quality of services provided.
Can not be called full job descriptionssales consultants that do not specify the requirements for the confidentiality of data that may constitute a commercial secret. If this item is not present, there will be no one to make a claim.
What about rights?
The seller has the full right to the following actions:
- the requirement to create the conditions necessary for the full performance of duties;
- discussion of working conditions and level of remuneration;

- reports to senior management on what is revealed in the process of work.
Especially important point:job description of the sales assistant-cashier who must be able to work with the cash register, PC, terminals. Perhaps some more specific skills will be required. Write it down clearly!
Instead of concluding
Before giving the instructions to the seller,familiarize yourself with it carefully and impartially. Are there any points that contradict each other and the law? Is the information not written too cleverly (with an abundance of terms and professional jargon)? It is best to print a ready-made instruction and read it yourself, and then ask about this a few people who can make valuable corrections!
Have a good job!