According to statistical surveys, more than 90%the leaders responded positively to the question: "Do you delegate your powers?" However, few of them were able to unfold the answer and say how they do it and most importantly - why. What is it to delegate? Is it really necessary?

First, let's try to formulate a clearthe definition of this action: to delegate is to delegate to the subordinates a part of the authority of the head with all the ensuing consequences. What does this give the head? First, it frees up his time to solve issues and tasks that can not be shifted to anyone, and time, as you know, is the most valuable thing a business person has. Secondly, it allows the personnel of the lower stage to gain experience, to study professionally without disconnecting from direct activities, so to speak, "to work in the field". And thirdly, to delegate means to monitor personnel in order to identify enterprising and intelligent employees who can make a powerful and productive team that does not need constant monitoring. The whole process of supervision is to issue a task and to accept a report on its implementation.

back side
If everything is so rosy, why is the higherthe leadership is not in a hurry to delegate duties, preferring to drown independently in the sea of routine? Here, our "wisdom" can play a role, stating that a good result can only be done by yourself. Someone is afraid of losing control of the team, dropping their supreme status, discovering that he himself can be replaced by someone, and the motive may be ignorance of who and what exactly to entrust. All these reasons take their origin in the low qualification of the management. The ability to delegate is a litmus test for a person occupying a chair of any rank. Such a position a priori implies the ability to manage the entrusted team.
It is impossible and it is possible
Let's try to understand which tasksare subject to distribution, and which remain the priority of the chief. Since any executive position implies a wide range of activities, the easiest way is to identify those functions that the leader needs to keep to himself.
- Motivation is definitely not subject to delegation. Distribution of bonuses, various bonuses, wages, increase of employees in posts - all this is decided at the level of leadership.
- The setting of strategically important goals for any term also belongs only to the leader. The rate is always set by the captain, he also owns the maximum information necessary for such a task.
- This category includes tasks that require a narrow specialization of the chief.
- Of course, this includes tasks related torisk. Since it is not always possible to evaluate the results of such actions, only the leader should be responsible for them. It happens that he himself does not always have an idea, due to objective reasons, about the consequences of the decision, so do not delegate such moments to his subordinates.

All that is not included in this list, you can safely"Down" down. Delegate the rights and responsibilities followed by proactive and responsible employees who have the necessary knowledge and skills or are able to train. The first time you experience this method of work, you might think that delegation is an unreliable tool, as it takes a lot of time and effort. However, after a while everything will "get on wheels", and the car will go by itself, and the chief will be able to assess how much easier it can be the role of a leader with a competent approach.