The global economic crisis is crazymillions of people in our country. Entrepreneurs began to worry about their own business. But do not be so hard to fight in convulsions. You need to pull yourself together, and act according to a well-designed plan.
You can always solve the problem by starting the questionwith his awareness. The forum of businessmen can help out here businessmen will always find something to talk with colleagues about the shop. The crisis is not the place for emotions. It is necessary to reject all illusions for a while, and make informed decisions. Even if before you money was given easily.
On the plans that were outlined in the pre-crisisperiod, for a while will have to be forgotten. It is clear that for every businessman it is very difficult to roll back a few years ago in the development of his business. But these are the realities of life. Of course, some entrepreneurs and the crisis, no matter how much. But this is not an article for them.
Take the case, and put in it your pinkglasses. Do not allow a mess in your company. Your employees should not even guess that the business of the firm is not as cloudless as it really is. You can not lose specialists in a difficult period.
Start looking differently at your customers.Hold on to each person. Remember that the crisis affected consumers. Therefore, you need to review the price policy if you are trading something. Leave in your commercial proposal only those items that bring profit. Crisis is not the most successful time for experiments.
It is clear that you need to reduce all your costs.But doing this is also necessary with the mind. Identify the main costs, without which your business can not exist. Do not spend money on all sorts of trivia, they will wait for better times.
Give up the costly corporate events.You can survive without celebrations on February 23 and March 8 in restaurants, and modestly drink a glass of champagne with sweets in the office. Let the staff congratulate husbands and wives, these holidays so far for you should not become red in the calendar.
No matter how sad, but some people in your state have to get rid of. Think about who you can cut. Cut with a knife in the living. You are the leader, once it all has to be done.
If you have huge retail space for rent,it is necessary and in this regard to reduce costs to a minimum. For the time of the crisis, you can make room, and abandon the square meters, which, perhaps, are so empty. Take a room of a smaller quadrature.
Review contracts with suppliers. The same applies to advertising. Do it only in the most popular publications and TV companies. Discard brochures that are issued in a small print run. Good luck!