/ / Castrol TBE - to pour or not to cast?

Castrol TBE - to pour or not to cast?

One of the most famous brands in the regionproduction of consumable fluids for cars by right is the company BP, which produces goods under the logo of Castrol. The recognition of the brand is quite high, and today the products of this brand can be put on a par with such names as Ford, BMW, Audi, which are also strategic partners of the company.

castrol tbe
The history of the brand goes back to the far 1899, whenSir Charles Chirs Wakefield decided to create and establish the production of new motor oil under his trademark. Since that time a lot of time has passed, a lot has been done - and the company itself now has branches in more than one hundred countries in the world, combining all the best in manufactured goods.

In the line of Castrol, along with motor andtransmission oils, the spectrum of technical fluids is widely represented. One of them is the additive Castrol TBE. For many years now this position has been sold both in open retail sales and it is supplied to dealer centers. Such an active distribution is nothing but a stable demand of customers in this product, because everything is conditioned by the care of your personal property. There is nothing better than banal prevention, replacing in the future a long and expensive repair.

castrol tbe instruction
Castrol TBE, as we have already noticed, isspecially developed additive, created for gasoline engines. Its main properties are improving the washing and lubricating properties of gasoline. It perfectly provides anti-corrosion protection in the fuel system and gasoline tank, purifies the injectors, combustion chamber, intake valves. In winter, prevents icing in the fuel supply system due to the transformation of the gas that has fallen with gasoline.

Despite the fact that Castrol TBE contains in itselfa sufficient number of different additives, such characteristics of gasoline as octane number and heat of combustion, it does not affect. Also, in addition to detergents, additives are present in the additive to stabilize the gasoline, allowing it to maintain its chemical stability.

Additive Castrol TBE is added to the fuel tankimmediately before refueling and is filled at the rate of 1 mg of liquid per 1 liter of fuel. Thanks to the convenient form of the bottle with a metering dispenser, the pouring process will not be difficult even for novice motorists.

additive castrol tbe
Despite the apparent simplicity and clarity of the use of Castrol TBE instructions are applied to each bottle. Regular use will increase the life of the fuel system.

But Castrol TBE, like any other similarthere is a reverse side. In this case, we mean those who are strongly opposed to the use of any additives, considering it an unnecessary waste of funds. Reviews of all who have already used the product are radically different, but despite this, sales of this product do not fall. Consequently, the number of those who evaluated the dignity and quality of the additive is sufficient.

To pour or not to pour into your fuel tank yourThe car is an invention of English chemists, everyone must decide for himself. The product is sufficient for both supporters and opponents, but there are facts that speak for themselves. This is the world-famous name of the company that produces this product, and the demand for it from ordinary consumers.