Customs clearance of cars in 2011 has some features compared with the previous period. Eis connected with the operation of the new Customs Code, which was introduced on July 1, 2010 in the territory of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Customs clearance of cars in Russia
In Russia, the conditions for customs regulation are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as customs rules and regulations.
Customs clearance of cars in 2011 by physicalpersons is carried out on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on 10.12.08 No. 943 "On amendments to clause 11 of the Regulations on uniform rates of customs duties and taxes in respect of goods transported across the border of the Russian Federation by individuals for personal use". From the same time, customs tariff changes also apply.
Customs duties on cars in 2011
Customs clearance of cars in 2011 is based on two categories of duties: for legal entities and for individuals importing cars for personal purposes. The purpose of import is indicated in the application of physical persons.
Since the beginning of 2010, legal entities in the territoryThe customs union transport cars according to the general procedure for processing customs duties. For individuals, before July 1, 2011, there will be a preferential provision under which they are entitled to import cars at the previous customs rates.
Customs clearance of cars in 2011 for individualsdepends on the type of vehicle, its cost, date of issue, and engine power. The customs clearance is carried out according to the scale of unified rates in relation to one group of vehicles. Single bets are fixed in a fixed amount.
Customs clearance of cars from Belarus
Since April 1, 2011, Russia and Belarus have agreed to lift transport controls at the border of states. According to this agreement, the heads of the customs departments of the states discussed the conditions simplification of the existing procedure for the import of cars from Belarus to the Russian Federation, carried out by individuals. For drivers, a new customs clearance of cars in 2011 means the actual cancellation of the tedious procedure of collecting certificates.
The agreement on this simplification of importing cars fromBelarus was reached in late February 2011 in Moscow at a meeting of the heads of customs services. At that time, it was assumed that the simplified procedure would come into effect from the end of March, but due to economic and administrative reasons the term was delayed but later.
16 марта 2011 года в Минске Александр Шпилевский (chairman of the State Customs Committee of Belarus) and Andrei Belyaninov (head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation) agreed to inform the other side about all issues affecting this sphere. This also includes the facts of confirmation by customs services of the status of cars for personal use, which were withdrawn from registration in Belarus.
Such a measure would allow Russia Do not require customs documents from citizens who must confirm the date of customs clearance of cars in Belarus before January 1, 2010. Moreover, it is understood that The cars purchased before 1 January 2010 can be sold in the Russian Federation without any certificates.
The customs service of the Russian Federation notified the customs committee of Belarus about the establishment of special status of cars that are imported into the Russian Federation by citizens of the Republic of Belarus.
So, cars imported to Belarus before January 1, 2010 from countries that are not members of the union, receive the status of goods of the Customs Union. This means that when moving them through the territory of the union, they not subject to customs declaration (or rastomozhke).
When importing such cars into the Russian Federation,you need to have a certificate of registration of the car, issued before January 1, 2010 in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. There must be a note on withdrawal from registration in Belarus.
In the future on the imported car it is necessary to make out the passport of the vehicle.
Russia also set requirements to the emission standards for imported cars, which should not be lower than the ecological class "Euro-4".