/ / KamAZ 5511 - historical personality

KamAZ 5511 - historical personality

KamAZ 5511 can be considered a kind of symbola whole era. Starting its journey in the distant 1977 year of the last century (the release continued until 1990), this machine continues to be exploited in modern times. Then he was replaced by other, improved models.

kamaz 5511
However, in view of the technological and moralaging, this truck is bought or continues to be operated mainly by private individuals who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Still, the years are taking their toll.

KamAZ 5511 has a pretty goodcarrying capacity - ten tons. At the same time, a powerful diesel engine produces a good performance of 210 hp. Of course, there are no turbines and other now-familiar options.

But there is a very good gearbox, which even now, after years, successfully performs its work. It has either five or ten gears, depending on the modification.

The rear two bridges also effectively help the carmove on various difficult sections of the road. For example, KamAZ 5511, being fully loaded, feels confident in mud, on sand or dirt road.

kamaz 5511 specifications
It presents no special difficulties for him andseverely rugged terrain - the car jumps over jumps or rides on plowing. The only drawback is the excessive "jumping" of the machine. Again, how far the technology has moved forward.

On modern trucks there is a spring cushioned on the air suspension, sometimes the front suspension also rests on "cushions".

In KamAZ 5511 such excesses were not installed.It shakes, and it's pretty strong. All road irregularities are transmitted through rigidly fixed leaf springs to the frame. From there the force of blows from the road goes to the cabin. True, the designers took care of the health of the driver, providing a special system for smoothing the consequences of such races. In other words, the driver's seat is also sprung. But on the move to sit in it normally only if the parts for years of service of the car did not fail or do not last.

Despite a similar drawback, drivers loveKamAZ 5511. Technical characteristics more than meet the needs of builders in low-cost, reliable machines. The maintainability of the truck and the reliability of the units overlap with the inconvenience of driving.

True, his appetites are also rather big. But the expense is individual, as it depends on the technical state of each specific KamAZ 5511.

kamaz 5511 price
As the experienced people say, at one time a lotfiddled with KamAZ 5511, the price for it at the present time fluctuates around three hundred to four hundred thousand Russian rubles. It varies depending on the region and the technical condition of the car.

He is advised to buy those young people,who want to try themselves in independent navigation, in entrepreneurial activity. Inexpensive, powerful - that is necessary for the first time. When something breaks in it, it's a great opportunity to expand your horizons.

And here there is no irony. Old "grandfather" KamAZ 5511 brought up more than one generation of drivers. It's time to embrace a new, young growth in your arms ...