That's always the case, wake up in the morning, and onthe street is spinning and the frost is cold. Quite unnoticed for you, winter has come. Accordingly, and to leave the house it is necessary earlier, after all the car needs not only to get, but also to get correctly, to warm up the engine, otherwise the "iron horse" will quickly fail. How to start a car? Prepare for the winter period should be in advance, and if not, forgot? Then problems with the car are inevitable, like the January cold. What you need to do to drive all winter without problems and with comfort? How to start the car correctly?
Like any serious technique, the car requiresconstant care and preventive examinations. Prepare cars for the winter period in autumn. Do not hurt and unnecessary inspection. To car in the winter just "flying", you need to prepare:
- Battery.
- Butter.
- Candles.
- High-voltage wiring.
- Fuel.
So, let's start in order.The first item is the battery. Why? Because without it, you will not wind up unequivocally in the winter. It is always necessary to check the density of electrolyte with a special device - hydrometer. In winter, the density in the battery should be from 1.29 to 1.30, if the density is lower than these readings - recharging is required. Oxidation of the terminals leads to poor operation of the starter, and because of this, the battery is not charged during travel, so they must be periodically cleaned with a sandpaper and tighten the nuts well. Although, first of all, in the winter time the car refuses to start up because of a dead battery. Therefore, the main rule of a good driver - leaving the car, turn off all electrical appliances. If you notice that in summer the battery is constantly discharged - buy a new one. And certainly, between the terminals, in no case should there be water or dirt, periodically wipe all the necessary parts under the hood.
Any driver knows that you need to change the oilafter every ten thousand kilometers, and before the winter cold and even more so. It is best, of course, to use a special oil, designed for driving in the winter. How to start a car? During the first run, do not hold the starter for more than five seconds, let all the oil evenly distribute. Then restart.
Before the winter cold, of course, you will need to change the candles. Often many motorists forget about this very important moment, the result is a lost spark.
Before the spark appears on the candles, theThe special numbered wires are energized. Remember that the number of the wire must match the cylinder number, and they should not be changed in any way! If the candles are changed in time, and during the plant the engine jerks violently - it's time to check the wiring.
And last but not least, fuel.You can not drive a car with a minimum fuel level. To get the water that came with the fuel in the winter did not freeze in the heat pipe, it is necessary to drain the remains of gasoline with water in the fall and pour in new gasoline.
How to start a car, a few rules:
- use special defrost for locks;
- when parking, it is best to put the car on a transfer;
- Before starting the machine, check all necessary devices;
- be sure to press the clutch before starting the engine;
- try to start the engine with a break of thirty seconds;
- watch the battery charge;
- in the most deplorable cases you can get a "pusher", but do not follow this way.
Remember that in severe frost operationcar significantly reduces its life, so if you could not start, leave the car alone and get on public transport. Or, carefully study how to start a car in winter, then you do not have to waste time and energy.