"Lada-Kalina" is a popular domestica car that can be called one of the most successful among all the machines produced by the company. This car is working properly, but from time to time with it there may be minor problems. One of these problems is when the stove on the "Kalina" is not warm enough. However, there are ways to solve it yourself without reference to the SRT. Let's consider the actual reasons.

The engine does not have time to warm up
The most commonplace reason is a cold engine.Many drivers get into the car in the cold season and immediately turn on the stove. At the same time, they are surprised why the stove on the "Kalina" is not warming well, because they activated it. However, during the first 15-20 minutes, the stove should not warm anything, since even the motor does not have time to warm up, therefore, warm air can not be taken from anywhere.
Often, drivers complain that the heater does not heat the Kalina badly at idle. This is just logical if the driver starts a cold car and immediately turns on the heater.
To understand how this works, let's explain briefly:the antifreeze (or antifreeze) circulates through the engine system, taking away the heat from the motor. This is necessary so that the engine does not overheat. When the antifreeze heats up to a high temperature, the driver can turn on the stove for heating, and then this antifreeze will enter the special radiator of the car's stove. The radiator will heat up to the antifreeze temperature, and the fans located behind the radiator will blow out heat from it, and warm air will flow into the interior. For 15 minutes the engine does not warm up, therefore, the antifreeze is also cold or warm, so the stove on the "Kalina" warms badly. It is necessary to travel by car for 25-30 minutes and check whether everything is in order with the stove. If even after this time the heating will be weak, then it is worth digging deeper.

Cabin Air Filter
Each car has a salon filter.It is through it that the heated air from the stove (or cold air from the air conditioner) gets into the salon. If the salon filter was not, then the garbage and dust would fly in the salon, and sometimes fat particles (products of oil evaporation, for example) from the engine compartment. If this filter has not changed for years, then there is a high probability that it is simply clogged up and needs replacing. Through a dirty filter the air simply can not pass into the cabin, so it's not surprising that the stove on the "Kalina" badly warms the air.
Решить эту проблему достаточно легко:it is necessary to remove the salon filter and put a new one. It is located under the hood of the car, top left (near the passenger front seat). Access to it can be obtained with just one screwdriver, and the cabin filter itself is cheap (its price is about 200 rubles).

Poor circulation of antifreeze or antifreeze in the system
We note at once that in the case of poor circulationtosol on the system problem with poor heating - this is the most innocuous, which can happen with the machine. Of course, if in the car "Lada-Kalina" the heater does not heat well, this can be caused by an inefficient circulation of the antifreeze, but in this case the engine can become very hot due to lack of cooling liquid and low efficiency of heat removal. So you need to think about the stove in the second turn. However, if the thermometer shows normal engine temperature (90-100 degrees), then you should not worry.
Problem with the radiator or control unit
When the driver moves the lever on the paneldevices to the red level, it thereby opens the hole for the entry of hot antifreeze into the radiator of the stove. And if the lever, for example, will be faulty, then the opening for the fluid to enter the radiator will not open or open to the full. As a result, the radiator will either heat up badly or not heat up at all, and this will lead to poor heating of the Lada-Kalina stove.

Non-working fans
As we already know, the radiator heats up whenhot fluid intake. Then the heat from the hot radiator is blown off by the fans. Usually there are two of them, and if at least one of them refuses to work, then the heating efficiency will greatly drop. It may even happen that hot air will come from the right side of the cabin, and there will be no air from the left side at all. In reviews, car owners write about similar problems with the heating system. This problem is solved by replacing one of the stove fans or replacing the stove entirely.
Now you know why the stove on the "Kalina" heats upbadly. The reasons can be very diverse, and it is almost impossible to list them all. You can only recommend to the owners to apply to the SRT, where they will be able to deal with a similar problem. And in general, the stove is a primitive device, so there should not be any problems with its repair. So if the heater does not warm the "Kalina" badly, then you should not get upset. This is often a frivolous problem, which is solved by replacing the salon filter in most cases.