Российская Федерация отлично исполняет роль transport country. She has a large number of shipments, and in the most unexpected directions. At the parking lots in the park, one can find over one dozen trucks that are capable of transporting loads of more than 3.5 tons. Among them you can count a decent number of copies of such brands as Mercedes, Mann, Scania, Iveco. But the first place is occupied by the KamAZ vehicles.
First, increased demand can be explained.a relatively small price, and secondly, most of the copies are collected at local factories. The build quality (albeit the Russian one) is impressive - it is at a good level. Thorough repairs, as a rule, machines do not require a long time, and the service life exceeds all expectations. And in order for the trucks of this manufacturer to always be in shape and not let down on flights, you should constantly undergo scheduled inspections in service centers.

Model range "KAMAZ"
Every driver knows that every car hasits features. If we consider the machines of this manufacturer in the series, we can note the intra-series models with indexes 5320 and 53212. They are used for long transports of even the heaviest goods. These cars can easily go about 320 kilometers, without requiring additional fuel.
Among the towing vehicles there are also excellent models.which came to mind many drivers and have proven to be one of the reliable. Only two of the entire series can really be distinguished: the KamAZ 6460 and KamAZ 5460 cars. The latter is considered an instance for transporting trailers of small mass.
If you look at the dumping body, then you can stay on models 6520 and 45141. They are quite well kept on the road, have all-wheel drive, and their capacity is up to 16 tons.
General information about cars "KAMAZ"
"KamAZ" is most often used in ruralfarm, transport companies and public utilities. The plant has been producing models for a long time, whose loading capacity ranges from 7 to 25 tons. By wheelbase cars are divided into several groups.
In 2010, the manufacturer decided to completetheir cars are comfortable and comfortable cabs. Its external data remained the same as it was. What can be said about the "internals". For example, the control panel has been resistant to high mechanical stress plastic. The gear lever has finally acquired a convenient shape and location. Many have previously complained that they are uncomfortable to use.

Versatility in use
KamAZ trucks have differentspecifications and appearance. The range offers a sufficient number of machines. It is worth noting that there are 10 completely different means of transportation among the onboard modifications, but there are a few more models with a dumping body - 11 types.
They have a universal chassis - it can beinstall on many different machines. It will be cheaper to purchase a separate base for the car and all the necessary assemblies. Modification can be easily assembled at the enterprise, because, as a rule, legal entities of this kind have in their submission a lot of good mechanics. That is why KAMAZ vehicles are considered universal. Among them, you can always choose the one that really suits.

This model is a tractor.It is equipped with rear wheel drive. The cabin received a good height due to the raising of the roof, and two extra beds were additionally installed. This car "KAMAZ", the technical characteristics of which will be described below, differs from other models of this line in that it significantly saves fuel.
Its engine works with a 12-speedautomatic transmission. The maximum speed that a car can reach is 110 km / h. Fuel per 100 km car "eats" about 36 liters.
Dump truck, whose name is "KAMAZ-65111",It is a car capable of carrying loads of up to 14 thousand kilograms. Its feature is a solid platform. Also another fact deserves attention - the ability to protect the cargo from hypothermia in the winter. Especially the last nuance becomes convenient when transporting liquid materials.
Diesel engine type, has a turbine.Its capacity is 260 "horses." The cylinders are in the shape of the Latin letter "V", and there are eight in all. The gearbox is represented by a mechanical structure in 10 steps. Engine capacity - 11 liters. There is no bed in the cabin. The machine has a high roof level.

Car repair "KAMAZ" is enoughtime-consuming process that requires maximum professionalism and concentration. It should be noted that it should be carried out only at the service station or at service centers. If it is not possible, then the maintenance engineer can easily produce an enterprise, but he should have sufficient experience with such cars.